FastDates.com Official Products, Apparel & Greeting Cards
Click Below to Visit our FastDates.com Cafe Press Store for Greeting Cards, Mugs, Shirts. Mouse Pads

1). CLICK HERE on the Products to See and Buy FastDates.com Calendar
Greeeting Cards, Mugs, T-Shirts. Mouse Pads from our Offical Store at Cafe Press
what every hot biker will be wearing this season when it comes to impressing
your friends, picking up sexy chicks like our beautiful FastDates.com
Calendar Kittens, or for mopping up spills in the garage or down the front
of your pants after visiting our Members Corner! These official FastDates.com
T-shirts first premiered at our Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show where
they were a knock out hit. We've now expanded out product Line with Greeting Cards, Mugs and Mouse Pads.

FastDates.com Calendar Kitten Logo Products are made avaiable thru SmugMug.com
Includes Coffie Mugs, Drink Glasses, Sport Bottles, Mouse Pads and More!

2). ORDER BELOW our offical FastDates.com Calendar T-Shirts and Stickers
High quality silkscreeened artwork from Feelin' Lucky which won't fade or crack, inprinted both sides with smaller pocket logo on the front and a large full-size artwork on the back. Shirts are high quality Hanes Beefy-Ts 100% Cotton. You may not be
able to score a date with our FastDates.com Calendar Angels - except in our Members
Corner ...
but you can at least get into their shirts! Order Securely online with PayPal.
Short Sleeve T-Shirts in Black or White, Men's Sizes S, M, L, XL, XXL
Shirts feature front and back matching graphcs

Classic Original
Top Right:
Our FastDates.com Calendar Kitten and adult film start Justine Jolie shows off the official FastDates.com T-shirt featuring our Calendar Kitten with a checkered flag next to a gas pump,
offering up her own special brand of "Full Service" $20.00
Note: XXL only available in White.
Red/ Blk on White LG, XLG currently sold out,
so we will substitue Blue/Blk on White.
Calendar Motorcycle Show #2
Below Right: This hot design features Calendar Kitten Tamara Witmer on the Roland Sands / Kenny Roberts MotoGP 990cc 5-cylinder KR Tracker with the historic Queen Mary ocean liner in the background. "LA Calendar Motorcycle Show" on bottom. Full graphic on back, pocket logo on front.
Available on White Shirt in LG, XLG only.
Black Shirt in XLG only. $20.00
Calendar Motorcycle Show #5
Right: "Hot Bikes, Beautiful Girls, Rock 'n' Roll"
The 2010 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show shirt design features a cute raven haired Kitten straddling the back seat of a chopper next to the the Queen Mary, ready to take a ride! Matching smaller graphics on front chest.
Available on Black or White T-Shirts.
We reserve the right to substitute the color if we are
out of your selected color in the correct size.
White in XLG, Black in XLG and XXLG. $20.00
Shopping Cart Checkout
Complete or Modify
Your Order Here:

FastDates.com Calendar Kitten Stickers
FastDates.com Calendar Kitten Stickers on Heavy Duty Die-Cut White Vinyl with peel and place adheasive backing.
We didn't want no whimpy stickers on our bike that fade or blow off at the power car wash. These will make your day.
Drawn for us by famed adult porn cartoonest Amy Mathews, these hot new Calendar Kitten Stickers are a must-have
for your bike, car, toolbox and refridgerator! Just $5 each, plus $3 S&H USA per design order.
Visit FastDates.com Members Corner!
Kittens, The Paddock Garage, Screensavers, Iron & Lace Garage

Hot Calendar Girl and Bike News! Go to: Fast Dates • Calendar Girls • Iron & Lace
Shirts and Calendars Online with our Secure PayPal Shopping Cart
by clicking on the
Sales Buttons
note: If we have the Shirt Design and Size you want, but are sold out of the Shirt Color you want - we reserve the right to substite the shirt color.
Thanks for Your Order!
allow 2-4 weeks
for delivery
by U.S. Postal Mail
or Money Order Only (no charge cards). Please allow 2-4 weeks for
Please describe fully the the Shirt Design, Size, Color (White or
Black) you are ordering, and the Price and Quanity for each, plus
$8.00 Postage & Handling per Order.
Or Postal Mail Your Order (Check or Money Order only,
NO Charge Cards) to:
Design Associates, 4801 Reforma Road, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
Confirm your size if necessay by following up you On-Line order by sending us an Email to:
Contact (at) FastDates.com
Cancellations & Returns
Products ordered from Gianatsis Design Associates can be cancelled
for a full refund only if they have not been shipped, or are returned in new resellable condition.
Product ordered from SmugMug need to be cancelled and returned through SmugMug.
Other FastDates Licensed Products Shown Here are sold through SmugMug

There's More
FastDates.com Gear!
Greeting Cards, Shirts, Mugs
