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I also understand that all photos I will have access to in FastDates.com Members Corner are for my private viewing only. FastDates.com acts swiftly against anyone who posts images from this site to any web sites, newsgroups, clubs, or stores or aggregates them in any archival or distribution system or media, online or off. Membership breach results in account cancellation without notice nor refund. I do understand there are no refunds for memberships.

Copyright violations and theft of images owned by Gianatsis Design / FastDates.com will result in criminal prosecution and may includes $25,000 in fines plus 5 years in prison per image, plus any revenue earned from the use of said images.

You will NOT be added to any other mail list by signing up a FastDates.com.
You may receive occasional Members Corner E-Mail Newsletter notifying you of new FastDates.comMembers Corner additions and events.
Your credit card or checking account information is encrypted for your protection, and not even viewable by us.

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or access problems to

Warning! - Do Not Share Your Password or You Will be Banned from All Membership Sites
Password sharing is illegal. Your password useage is automatically tracked by our website server and the major internet billing company CCBill
which processes most membership sites on the internet. If your password use exceeds normal single user activity, your account at FastDates.com
will be terminated and your Real Name and Charge Card Account will be blocked forever by CCBill from all internet membership sites.

CCBill Customer Support
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days
Phone: 888.596.9279 or 480.449.7751
Fax: (480) 449-8820

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