July - August 2009

What's Red, White and Blue and Hot all over? Our Fast Dates Calendar shoot in the Team Ducati Corse garage with points leader Nori Haga's 1198RS 09 at the Miller USA round of the Hanspree World Superbike Championship.
2009 SBK Fast Dates World Superbike Calendar Shoot, Round 7 of 14, Miller USA
Marking the 20th Anniversary of the Fast Dates Calendar!
Kittens Shoot Fast Dates World Superbike Calendar
with Top Factory Teams at Miller USA Race Weekend
By Jim Gianatsis
Miller Motorsport Park, Tooele, Utah, 29- 31 May 2009 - It's unreal to think it's been 20 years we've been producing the Fast Dates Racebike Swimsuit Model PinUp Calendar. The first 1991 edition of the then Mikuni Fast Dates Calendar premiered in the summer of 1990 featuring a then unknown Playboy Playmate on the cover named Pamela Anderson, posing in a pink bikini in the saddle of Miguel Duhamel's Yoshimura Suzuki GSX-R750L AMA Superbike. Then published by Mikuni American, still one of my advertsing cleints today, the Calendar was used as a promotion to show all the top racing bikes of the time which used Mikuni carburetors.
Playboy Playmate Pamela Anderson with all-natural enhancements was featured on the cover of the first Fast Dates Calendar whicd we photographed 20 years ago. The bike is Miguel Duhamel's Yoshimur Suzuki GSXR750 running Mikuni RS Flatside Carburetors. A few new copies of the 1991 calendars are still available for sale in Collectors Corner.
A little know fact, but there actually were earlier Mikuni Calendars, but the public never got to see them. In the 1980s Mikuni purchased pre printed nude model calendars from a printer in Japan imprinted with Mikuni's company name on them, and sent them out to distributors and friends at Christmas time. I became their ad agency around 1987 and convinced them it might be fun to publish our own nude calendar and incorporate the Mikuni carburetors in the pictures. The first original Mikuni Calendar was published for 1990 and featured my photo of Playboy Playmate Terri Lynn Doss on the cover holding a Mikuni carburetor, with purchased stock photos of nude Penthouse models inside. We advertised the calendar in Cycle News the fall and sold out the complete print run of 1,000.
For 1991 we wanted to try and offer them retail in motorcycle dealers through Mikuni distributors, but we knew we could sell nude pinup model calendars in a family visited motorcycle dealership, so I shot the next calendar with all the models in swimsuits or lingerie with top racing bikes that used Mikuni carburetors and Fast Dates was born. In successive years other Mikuni Calendars were made for their other markets: Berm Busters motocross, Hot Waves personal watercraft, Iron & Lace custom bikes, Ripped Pavement roadracing action and Garage Girls pinups. As the markets have changed, and sexual harassment laws became established and enforced in America, some of those titles have come and gone, Mikuni American gave their Calendar program to Gianatsis Design.
It might be noted that back in the 1970s and early 1980's even major American motorcycle distributors U.S. Suzuki and Yamaha USA published and gave away pinup model calendars featuring Playboy Playmates and Hawaiian Tropic girls. Today both of them and American Honda have corporate policies that their team race bikes can not be photographed with swimsuit models. One of the main reasons why Fast Dates is now only photographed at World Superbike races and is endorsed by SBK, a european based organization on a continent where beautiful women are allowed to be admired, not labeled as exploitation and pornography.
20 years later! Sabella and Rachel grace the cover and inside the 2010 Fast Dates Calendar on sale this month. Click to order.
Flash forward 20 years and I'm flying into Salt Lake City Utah with beautiful FastDates.com Calendar Kitten Sabella Shake who is featured in all three editions of the new 2010 Calendars which released for sale on July 1st. Traveling with us is a case of the new Fast Dates Calendars with brunette Sabella on the cover together with her girlfriend, blond Paris Hilton look-a-like Rachel Bernstein. We will be handing out the new Calendar to the factory teams at riders on Thursday afternoon at the Miller Motorsports USA round of the SBK World Superbike Championship as a thank you for last year's Miller shoot, and to remind them to have their bikes ready for us to photograph that evening for the 2011 Fast Dates Calendar
Beautiful bikini models wandering the team garages at World Superbike....this must be the annual Fast Dates Calendar shoot!
Normally I wouldn't hire the same model for two possible covers in a row, but one look at beautiful Sabella and how a tiny bikini frames into an erotic work of art her incredibly sexy, hard, curvaceous body and it just doesn't matter. You can never get too much of a good thing!
Did I forget to mention that you might know Sabella? If you've ever been to Cannery Row in Monterey, CA, during a Superbike or MotoGP race weekend at Laguna Seca, you might have eaten at on of her restaurants. She was born and raised in Monterey where her parents own two well know seafood restaurants there on Cannery Row and the Pier. After graduating high school 3 years ago, Sabella moved to West Los Angeles to attend Loyola Marymount University where our 21 year old is just completing her pre-law Bachelor's degree towards being a "Sexy Attorney who kicks ass in the courtroom!" And for fun she models part time.
We are bummed to tell you that Sabella won't be joining us at the July 18-19th 2009 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend this year for the premier of her new 2010 FastDates.com Calendars. She's booked be in South Beach, Miami, to work Fashion Week, strutting the catwalk in next year's hottest new bikinis. But we promise you the Calendar Kittens and Singers who will be at this year' Showwill be just as draw dropping
2011 Fast Dates Calednar Kittens Sabella Shake, left, and Leanna Pareja, right shooting at Miller. But don't wait for next years calendar... Sabela is featured in the all three new 2010 FastDates.com Calendars which go on sale July 1st 2009 and are availble right now for downloading in Members Corner.
Joining us at the track on Friday at Miller was the Sugar Blond to our spicy Miss Pepper, southern California swimsuit model and beauty pageant winner Leanna Pareja. Her own business in wireless sales and a boyfriend brought Leanna to Salt Lake City about 2 years ago, but we can tell you she's already planning her return to much missed SoCal.
By the time World Supersort practice had wrapped up at 5:30 on Friday evening, the factory teams were already rolling their team bikes out on pit lane in front of their Garages for us to photograph. This being a Fast dates shoot, if you've ever read the stories of past shoots, you know something major always goes wrong just before shoot gets underway. This year I am happy to report our two Kittens were perfect Angels and they did an incredible job of posing with the bikes, changing suits in a stairwell, and tolerating hundreds of leering riders, mechanics and the media with cameras pressing in from behind me while we tried to work.
Last year's double WSB race winner Carlos Checa wanted to get in on the action when we moved over to the Ten kate Honda garages to shoot his race bike.
There was one privateer World Superbike team however, which won't get their bike in the Calendar. One of their mechanics thought he was cool and ran back into their garage to get butt shots of the girls with his phone camera. The girls and I warned him once, but her persisted in his childish behavior which including being in the background of our shoot, so we just picked up and walked off to the next garage.
SBK Press Officier Julian Thomas checks out the Fast Dates calednar shoot from the Press Room above the Pits.
It's Jullain who interviews the race winners in the Press Room after each race.
The Calendar shooting drama this year included the weather, and both my fill flash units which refused to work. At home before coming I had test both units thoroughly, one in fact was brand new for added insurance, and I had spares of full charged ni-cad batteries. But the moment I set either flash unit on their tripods they just quit working. And to compound the problem the sky turned black as thunder clouds rolled in and it began to sprinkle. My only option was to open up the ISO speed on my digital Hasselblad HP3-39 from 100 to 400 and drop the shutter speed down to 1/125 sec to keep the bike and models within the focus depth of field.
The riders were falling in love with our girls at every garage stop, this time it was Jakub Smrz.
Towards the end of the evening shoot World Championship points leader Noriyuki Haga's 1198RS was ready for us to shoot. Now it was really getting dark and I was really nervous about getting the most important shot for the Calendar. The Hasselblad has a built in on-camera flash which I've never tried to use, and I didn't know how to set it for Main or Fill Flash. But I popped it up, crossed my fingers and gave it a try and the test shot came out perfect with no needed readjustment. The pictures came out perfect, and next year's 2011 Fast Dates Cover will probably come out of this setup with Sabella and Leanna and the Number 41 bike. Man, was I relieved Whew!
Top Cat Gianatsis mugs for the camera with the Calendar Kittens
Model Leanna left us that evening after the shoot when we got back to our hotel in Salt Lake City. My buddy craig and i went into downtown for dinner while Sabella retired to her room to rest up for the rest of the weekend. We had 2 more bikes we had missed and wanted to try and shot on Saturday if possible. One was Max Biaggi's hot new rocket ship RSV4 Aprilia, but with a crash on Friday and mechanical issues all weekend, the Aprilias were always torn down and never assembled to the point I could photograph one of them, except when they had to be rolled out to race. And we couldn't shoot Ben Spies' bike because Yamaha adopted a policy 4 years ago not to allow their bikes to be photographed with swimsuit models (However, you just still might see Ben's YZR1 in the Calendar with one of our Kittens next year...wink!).
With the photography for the 2011 Fast Dates Calendar completed on Saturday, I gave Sabella over to Davide Tardozzi at Ducati Corse to serve as the team's Umbrella Girl on Sunday, just as we do almost every year. Normally Sabella might have been paired with Championship points leader Nori Haga, but Nori had crashed in Saturday practice and was in so much pain he could only qualify that afternoon on the 3rd row. Team mate Michel Fabrizio, however, was 2nd in points and had qualified in 4th to earn a front row start at Miller. So Sabella was paired with Michel on the grid for both World Superbike races, with Michel turning in strong 3rd and 2nd place finishes both races behind American Ben Spies.

Needless to say, both Michel and Fabrizio became infatuated with other over the weekend. On Saturday Michel was driving her in a golf cart around the paddock and over to the Ducati display in the spectator midway for his official poser signing session. They even stopped by his trailer in the paddock so he could log online with his laptop computer and show her a Translation Website she could use to write to him Emails, since he couldn't speak or read English, and she couldn't speak or read Italian.
Sabella was infatuated again on Saturday, when she saw HBO's Nip Tuck actor John Hensley in the Miller Media Room and almost feinted! I told her I'd introduce her to him and we cornered him on an outside walkway for some pictures together. Just like a swooning schoolgirl, after each of her encounters with Michel Fabrizio and John Hensley, sweet little Sabella would be left standing there with shaking knees, unable to say anything but "Oh my God!" and fanning her flushed face non-stop with a hand to cool down.
Sabella snuggles up to Nip-Tuck actor and heart throb John Hensley.
Spectator attendance this year just at Miller about doubled from the initial return of World Superbike to America last year. I roughly counted some 6,500 spectators this year compared to 3,200 last year. The death his past year of track owner and beneficiary Larry Miller, and the depressed economy has not changed anything at all for Miller Motorsports Park, The Track and In Front Motorsports during the weekend announced that they had extended their American round SBK Superbike contract for 3 more years through to 2013. The track has added the Yamaha Motorcycle Racing School as a permanent addition to the facility to compliment their car racing school. And just across the road from the track's main entrance, big construction was underway for a huge motorsports industrial complex so manufacturers and race teams can make Toole Utah their permanent race shop home and test facility.
In all it was a great weekend at Miller Motorsports World Superbike. The organization and hospitality by SBK and Miller Motorsports, and their people was incredible, as was the racing, particularly with the addition of the 600 World Supersport Class to the program. Who needs AMA any more?
2009 Miller World Superbike Race Report • Fast Dates Calendar News Home
Sabella and Michel on the starting grid.

Iron Works Magazine & Mikuni Carburetors sponsored

Performance Machine Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend
Now $86,000
in Cash and Awards!*
Join us again on Sunday July 13th 2008 for the World's premier Motorcycle Contest at the
Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show & Calendar Girl Music Festival Weekend featuring the finest Professional
and Amateur Custom, Performance, Classic V-Twins, Metric Cruiser & Sportbikes,
Antique Streetbikes.
exciting new classes and activities at this year's Los Angles Calendar
Motorcycle Show include the Metric Midway with wide range of special activities
for metric Road and Sportbike enthusiasts and fans will take place in the Midway including
custom and performance bike displays, demo bike rides, a special Metric Cruiser and Sportbike trophy contest class, together with related Venders,
Dealers and Product Manufacturers. More....

Beautiful Janna Jordan will be beating off on the drums as girlfrind Jayme provides oral stimulation.
Pajama Band Joins the LA Calendar Bike Show
& Calendar Girl
Music Festival Weekend!
May 15th 2009 - The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show, in its never ending quest to provide wholesome family entertainment while enhancing the quality of artistic and cultural experience for brain dead motorcycle addicts, is excited to announce the addition of Pajama Band to our performance lineup with the Calendar Girl Music Festival included with July 18-19th 2009 event weekend at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, CA.
A unique entertainment experience, Pajama Band features the vocal talents of beautiful new 2010 FastDates.com Calendar Sex Kitten, Hustler Honey Jayme Langford / JaymeLangford.com. Between her extensive modeling and acting career, being a pre-Med University student and exhibiting precision Hula-Hoop skills, Jayme figured she also has what it takes to be an accomplished lead singer, guitarist and trumpeter in time for this year's Calendar Bike Show Weekend. Jayme is not new to music, having taken music and pianno lessons all her life. But after picking up a new pink guitar and plastic trumpet from Guitar Center on Hollywood Boulevard just a few months ago she thought, "Damn, I'm not busy enough, why don't I start a girl porn star rock band as well!" Who were we to talk her out of it?
Performing with Jayme in Pajama Band are her famous adult starlet girlfriends, Jana Jordan / ClubJannaJordan.com also a Hustler Honey and Penthouse Pet, and Louisa Lanewood / LouisaLanewood.com. The band will be making its professional world premier debut at the 2009 LA Calendar Show Weekend on Sunday the 19th performing their exciting new hit "Fuck You Until You Die" which has music critics raving, in what can only be described as pornicopia of visual and audio excitement guaranteed to leave their many new found fans breathless on the verge of cardiac arrest. Music critics are already raving that these girls have given new meaning to the genre "Hard Rock"!
For more about Pajama Band visit MySpace.com/PajamaBandMusic
For more about the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show

And now for something a little different...
Apple Kitten shoots for Fast Dates with the $60.000 Roehr V-Rod Superbike
Los Angeles, CA, May 1st - Don't think we've been relaxing indoors here during the bitter cold of our Southern Californian winter here, just waiting for our printer in China to ship us the new 2010 FastDates.com Calendars so sleezy perverts like you can gum up the pages.... hell no! We've already been hard at work shooting the next 2011 FastDates.com Calendars!
Like this latest shoot above taken at the Malibu Beach Pier on Pacific Coast Highway in beautiful Malibu featuring beautiful Calendar Kitten Apple Price, who also happens to be in the new 2010 Calendars. Apple's ride is the new $60,000 Roehr Superbike, powered by a Harley-Davidson 1260cc V-Rod engine that is supercharged by a belt run off the end of the crankshaft and producing 180 hp! By the end of the shoot, Apple seemed really heated up (damn these SoCal winters!) and asked us to take her for a ride....
Apple is also featured in all 3 of the new 2010 FastDates.com Calendars which premier here in July online and at the 2009 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 18-19th. Oh, did we tell you both Both Apple and the Roehr will also be at the Show? You don't want to miss them.
Apple's Test New Sportbikes Roehr • The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show July 18-19th
Ginger Schweizer gasses up Wayne Rainey's 1993 GP World Championship winning
Yamaha YZR500 at the Rock Store, the photo featured on the cover of the 1994 Fast Dates Calendar.
First Time Ever! FastDates.com Calendar Images Available for Sale!
Photo Prints, Posters, Canvas Wall Murals
Now, for the first time you can have my favorite, most memorable FastDates.com Calendar photos reproduced to museum qualty standards for your home, garage, office or store, thanks to our new partnership with one of America's premier online photo labs. Choose from photo prints on quality photo paper, to huge poster and mural size Giclee' photo prints on archival rag paper or canvas mounted to wooden frames or display boxes.
Now you can enjoy my best photos of the the world's finest motorcycles with beautiful models! - Jim Gianatsis
Historical! This incredible career ending photo above of Troy Bayliss in his special commerative Ducati 2008 World Championship winning livery in action blazing titanium sparks off his boot slider at the final 2008 Algarve, Portugal World Superbike round is available as a Photo Print, Wall Poster, Canvas Mural FastDates.com Calendar Photos.

There's more! Go to Fast Dates Calendar News NEXT PAGE
Hot Calendar Girl and Bike News! Go to: Fast Dates • Garage Girls • Iron & Lace
to see even more of our sexy Fast Dates Calendar Kittens...

And visit these great Fast Dates recommended affiliate websites...

Some of our Calendar
Kittens can also be seen at Playboy's website...
