Custom Bike Pinup Calendar News September - October 2006

Jesse Rooke lends a hand as we photograph his KTM V-twin powered boardtrack replica race with Playboy Playnmate and Calendar Kitten Tamara Witmer. Tamara is also featured now in the new 2007 Garage Girls Calendar.
FastDates.com Calendar Builders Take home the
Gold at AMD World Championship of Bike Building
Sturgis, SD, August 7th - Famed Iron & Lace Calendar custom bike builders Jesse Rooke (JesseRookeCustoms.com) and Roland Sands (RolandSandsDesign.com) premiered their latest sportbike derived custom creations at this past July's US MotoGP at Laguna Seca, CA, then trecked out to South Dacota for Sturgis Bike Week. They they entereed their hot new customs in the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building.

Above and below, Roland Sands' radical 220hp MotoGP engined retro boardtracer with no front brakes!
Roland Sands place 9th in the Pro Bulder category with his retro board track racer powered by a Kenny Roberts donated KR V-5 990cc MotGP engine that puts our around 220hp. And our own Jesse Rooke, 3-time winner at our LA Calednar motorcycle Show, took home 1st Place in the Metric Custom class with his cool boardtrack replic powered by a 950cc KTM V-Twin motor. Jesse was really inovative and how her routed the top of the frame around the engine's downdraft fuel injestion, and located the curved radiator in front of the real wheel. Needless to say, we've already photographed both bikes and you can expect to see them in our next, 2008 FastDates.com calendars. And right now with detailed pictorials in the Iron & Lace Garage.

Below, Roland Sands of Iron & Lace Calendar sponsor's Performance Machine / Roland Sands Design fame had a very busy summer. Between his appearance at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show in July and the US MotoGP at Laguna Seca the following weekend to unveil the KR MotoGP Boartracker, Roland flew over to England with his V-Twin sportbike below to race at The Good Festival of Speed. Then he returned to the USA the following weekend at Sturgis to compete in the AMD World Championshiip of Custom Bike Building.

Roland Sands also proved to be very helpful when it came to lacing up Playboy Playnmate and Calendar Kitten Tamara Witmer's boots during our photo shoot with Roland's Big Twin powered sportbike for the upcoming 2008 Iron & Lace Calendar.

Our 2006 LA Calendar Motorcycle Best of Show Winner Russ Hess from CowboyCustomBikes.com all the way from Texas (in the cowboy hat obviously) joined at awards presentation by (l to r) host Ted Sands from title sponsor Performance Machine, Calendar Kittens Cora Skinner with Playboy Playmates Athena Lundburg and Tamara Witmer, Keith "Bandit" Ball from Bikernet.com, and editor Jessica Procup from magazine sponsor Tam Publications for American Iron and RoadBike magazines.
Machine presents the
2006 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend
Calendar Motorcycle Show Again Blows the Lid Off Long Beach
The Queen Mary, Long Beach, CA July 15-16th, 2006 - The 15th annual Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend presented by Performance Machine and produced by Jim Gianatsis of Giantsis Design Associates held annually every 3rd weekend in July at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach / Los Angeles continued to kick out all the stops again this year despite the long summer heat wave and the current attendance slump at most other motorcycle events to uphold the Calendar Shows' well earn reputation as the biggest and most exciting Custom and Performance Street Motorcycle Show in America
Taking home top honors this year for Best of Show was 60 year old Russ Hess from Jacksboro, TX, who returned to custom bike building after taking a 21 year sabbatical. Back in the late 1960's and early '70's Russ had many of his custom built bikes and street rods grace the covers and center spreads of Street Chopper, Hot Rod and Rod & Custom magazines. Russ said he chose the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, America's premier bike building contest to gauge just how good his first bike "Art Attack" from his new shop Cowboy Custom Bikes in Jacksboro, Texas would stack up against other top builders from across the country.
Additional Coverage: 2006 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show
Iron & Lace Calendar celebrity TV builders Russ Mitchell and Jesse Rooke entertained fans both days as they talked and joked about their adventures in building their Calendar bikes and appearing on TV shows like Build of Bust.
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See much more of our
all our beautiful calendar girls
in their sexy pictorials in FastDates.com Members Corner...

Some of our Calendar
Girls can also be seen at Playboy's website...
