Custom Bike Pinup Calendar News May - June 2009

This Month in the Iron & Lace Calendar ....
We find our beautiful FastDates.com Calendar Kitten and Cora Skinner (right) cooling off in he garage with her Daisey Mae Red 'n' Whit and hot all over lingerie and a cool retro cutom from Chica.You'll find large size screensavers of all our past and present FastDates.com Calendar pages and lots of very revealing pictures of our Calendar Kittens including nude pictorials of Tamara in Members Corner.
Order the 2009 Iron & Lace Calendar Here

And now for something a completely different...
Apple Kitten shoots for Iron & Lace with the $60,000
Roehr Superchargd 180 Hp Harley V-Rod engined Superbike
Los Angeles, CA, May 1st - Don't think we've been relaxing indoors here during the bitter cold of our Southern Californian winter here, just waiting for our printer in China to ship us the new 2010 FastDates.com Calendars so sleezy perverts like you can gum up the pages.... hell no! We've already been hard at work shooting the next 2011 FastDates.com Calendars!
Like this latest shoot above taken at the Malibu Beach Pier on Pacific Coast Highway in beautiful Malibu featuring beautiful Calendar Kitten Apple Price, who also happens to be in the new 2010 Calendars which premier at our big LA Calendar Bike Show on July 18-19th. Apple's ride is the new $60,000 Roehr Superbike, powered by a Harley-Davidson 1260cc V-Rod engine that is supercharged by a belt run off the end of the crankshaft and producing 180 hp! By the end of the shoot, Apple seemed really heated up (damn these SoCal winters!) and asked us to take her for a ride.... Read the Road Test in New Sportbikes Roehr
California Legal Alert!
California Motorcycle Smog Test Bill Passes Out Of Committee
We Need Your Help! Write Fax or Call your State Senator NOW!!
HELP GUYS! – As Goes California, So Goes the rest of America -
Sacramento, CA, Wed, April 22nd - SB 435 has passed out of the California Senate Transportation & Housing Committee and is expected to be on the California Senate Floor before the end of April. This measure calls for smog checks, beginning in 2012 for motorcycles 2000 model year and later for owners to be able to re-register them. The California Motorcycle Dealers Assn. has concluded that there is not enough benefit and that there is the potential for discouring potential owners. The author of the bill claims (?) that including motorcycle in the smog check program will eliminate 5.2 tons of smog daily. That is a tiny amount compared with the 1,406 tons of smog produced every day from all mobile sources. This is not something any motorcyclist can ignore. Your sport will be seriously affected by this bill.
• Motorcycles do not contribute enough pollution to warrant being included in a smog check program
• Motorcycle, becasue of their low mileage usage and a much higher gas mileage than cars or trucks, represent less than 3%* of the total for all mobile source emissions.
• The cost to implement and conduct a motorcycle smog check program will cost California more than the value of the emissions it's estimated to save.
(*Note: We don't know where in the hell they got this big number of 3% - possibly based on the number of car versus motorcycle registrations in California? But as you know almost no one rides their motorcycle to work during the week - everyone drives a car.
This week I drove my car down the I-405 in greater Los Angeles from my home in the San Fernando Valley to Long Beach and back, a 2.5 hour drive, some 90 miles and back in heavy traffic. During the trip I encountered probably 250,000 automobiles or more in both directions on the freeway, and only 6 motorcyclists! In rural areas it's probably even less:.
That percentage equates to just 0.00002% of bikes driven in greater Los Angeles
during the weekday compared to cars!!!
Not the 3% as the legislators claim. As a motorcycle enthusiast I own 6 registered motorcycles, but like most of us I generally only ride one of them for recreation, usually on Sundays - that's just 4 times a month, and usually under 50 miles per ride. - Editor)
• A smog check program for motorcycles will discourage a new motorcycle purchase and encourage infrequent useage owners to stop using them.
• Motorcycle smog checks were eliminated in one Arizona county when the program did not reduce emissions enough. *If motorcycles have to be returned to stock condition, finding original parts for older bikes will be impossible because historically, not enough spare parts were made.
We need to do two things IMMEDIATELY:
1). Contact the CA State Department of Transportation Senators who wrote this Bill:
Sen. Alen Lowenthel (Chair) , Fax 916 327 9113 / Ph (916) 651-4027
Sen Robert Huff (Vice Chair) , fax 916 324 0922 / Ph (916) 651-4027
Sen. Fran Pauley, Fax (916) 324-4823 / Ph (916) 651-4023
2). Find out who your state Senator is. Then fax, call or write them asking for a "NO" vote on SB 435. 2. Also contact the below nine Senators: Ron Calderon 916-327-8755 fax 916-651-4030 ph senator.calderon@sen.ca.gov Lou Correa 916-323-2323 fax 916-651-4034 ph senator.correa@sen.ca.gov Dean Florez 916-327-5989 fax 916-651-4016 ph senator.florez@sen.ca.gov Gloria Negrete McLeod 916-445-0128 fax 916-651-4032 ph senator.negrete@sen.ca.gov Alex Padilla 916-324-6645 fax 916-651-4020 ph senator.padilla@sen.ca.gov Tim Darrell Steinberg 916-323-2263 fax 916-651-4006 ph senator.steinberg@sen.ca.gov Pat Wiggins 916-323-6958 fax 916-651-4002 ph senator.wiggins@sen.ca.gov Rod Wright 916-445-3712 fax 916-651-4025 ph senator.wright@sen.ca.gov Leyland Yee 916-327-2186 fax 916-651-4008 ph senator.yee@sen.ca.gov
You can find your own State Senator by: 1. Accessing the state senate website at : www.senate.ca.gov. 2.Click on District Maps. 3. Then click on Your Senator. 4. Enter your street and city address and zip.

AFT Custom's Jim Guiffra goes over build details for LowLa with model Sukhee.
AFT Model Agency Girls Hard at Work on new AFT Metric Custom "LowLA"
to premier at the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 18-19th
Martell, CA, Feb 15th - In a follow-up to his prestigious Best of Show win in 2009 at the Los Angles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend, and 1st Place Metric Class at the AMD Word Championship of Custom Bike Building, renown custom metric bike builder Jim Guiffra of AFTCustoms.com, Martell, California, is well under way (with a little help from some friends.) with his next custom which will make its world premier at the 2009 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show July 18-19th.
AFT's newest custom making its premier at the LA Calendar show is aptly called "LowLA" and it is being fully constructed by the beautiful girls of the AFT Modeling Agency - girls who are knowledgeable and specializing working Motorsports Trade Shows and Events. The custom bike, based on a Honda VTX13PS and running a Mikuni HSR Carburetor, is being designed and constructed under the guidance of Guiffra, but all the bike's actual disassembly, special fabrication and construction, and reassembly is being carried out by the AFT Model Agency Girls: Andrea, Melanie, Sara, Sukhee, Kylie, Jeanine, Elaina. You can see and find out more about the girls and the Agency at AF TCustoms.com.
The premier of "LowLA" at the LA Calendar Show in July will see the bike featured in the AFT Customs both on Saturday, then on Sunday being entered in the $64,000 Calendar Bike Building Championship. Also at the Show, "LowLA" and the AFT Models will be photographed and interviewed by Heather of Riders Review Magazine who will be doing a feature article on both them and the sexy Motorcycle PinUp Calendar theme Show On Monday after the Show weekend, LowLA will be photographed by Jim Gianatsis for the next Mikuni and Performance Machine sponsored Iron & Lace Calendar Motorcycle Cruiser Magazine will also be doing an editorial feature on the bike. And after that it travels on to Sturgis Bike Week for this year's AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building.
More about the: LA Calendar Motorcycle Show • AFT Customs & Model Agency
The AFT girls hard at work grinding, cutting, bending, welding, and breaking a few fingernails!

Beautiful new 2010 FastDates.com Calendar Kitten Rachel Bernstein is featured in the ad campain for the 2009 LA Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekned July 18-19th, and Rachel will be there both days hosting the Show and the World Premier of the 2010 FastDates.com Calendars.
18th Annual Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend
America's Premier Custom & Performance Street Motorcycle Show
July 18-19th 2009, Queen Mary Event Park, Long Beach
The 18th annual Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend presented by Performance Machine, America's premier custom, cruiser, performance and sportbike weekend returns to the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach on July 18-19th, 2009. Join 25,000 street bike motorcycle and music enthusiasts for the world's most exciting 2-day motorcycle event weekend in the beautiful Queen Mary Event Park on the grass alongside the Pacific Ocean in Long Beach! This is the world's premier motorcycle show weekend featuring some 200 major motorcycle and parts manufacturers, top name builders, selected exhibitors, product and apparel vendors.
The weekend features many of the world's top Pro and Amateur custom street bike builders in attendance with their newest 2-wheeled creations of rolling art to compete in the Performance Machine Calendar Show Bike Building Championship with a bulging purse of $86,000 in cash and awards including the coveted Performance Machine Best of Show Trophy. There are 11 Calendar Bike Building Championship Classes including the premier Radical Pro Builder Class sponsored by Iron Works magazine as well as 10 other classes for American V-Twin Customs, Vintage Bikes, as well as Metric Sportbikes and Cruisers.
Other exciting activities during the weekend include the Calendar Motorcycle Show World Championship Horsepower Dyno Shoot Out, Calendar Bike Building Seminars, the Calendar Girl Model Search Pageant, and the world premier of the new 2010 FastDates.com Motorcycle PinUp Calendars with the beautiful Calendar Kittens.

Included with admission both days is the 2-Day Calendar Girl Music Festival with beautiful girl bands including Cockpit, the AC/DC Tribute rock band Whole Lotta Rosies, Absinthe Women, Pajama Band and world renown Purrfect Angelz performance song and dance shows.
Spectators also get complimentary weekend admission aboard the historic Queen Mary Ghost Ship, and entry to the Saturday Night Iron & Lace Calendar Builders Party with a live band in the ship's Observation Bar. Free shuttle bus rides are provided from the downtown Long Beach Parking Garages, plus there are paid Taxi Boat rides from Shoreline Marina direct to the Show.
Performance Machine presents the Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend with Associate Sponsors Iron Works magazine, S&S Cycle, Mikuni Carburetors, California Harley-Davidson, ReCycler.com, Trader.com, ThunderPrees.net, Meguiars Car Care Products, Hooters Restaurants, Speed TV's American Thunder, Mikuni Carburetors and the FastDates.com Calendars.
For additional LA Calendar Motorcycle Show & Calendar Girl Music Festival weekend details including the show schedules, hotels and parking information visit http://www.FastDates.com/BIKESHOW.HTM

Pajama Band Joins the LA Calendar Bike Show / Music Festival Weekend!
May 15th 2009 - The Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show, in our never ending quest to provide wholesome family entertainment while enhancing the quality of artistic and cultural experience for our visitors, is excited to announce the addition of Pajama Band to our performance lineup with the Calendar Girl Music Festival which is included with July 18-19th 2009 event weekend at the Queen Mary Event Park in Long Beach, CA.
A unique entertainment experience, Pajama Band features the vocal talents of beautiful new 2010 FastDates.com Calendar Sex Kitten, Penthouse Pet and Hustler Honey Jayme Langford / JaymeLangford.com. Jayme is somewhat new to music, having only picked up a pink guitar and plastic trumpet from Guitar Center on Hollywood Boulevard just 3 months ago, But she is is sure her extensive modeling, pre-Med University education and precision Hula-Hoop skills will allow her to become an accomplished lead singer, guitarist and trumpeter in time for this year's Show.
Performing with Jayme in Pajama Band are her famous porn starlet girlfriends, Jana Jordan / ClubJannaJordan.com also a Hustler Honey and Penthouse Pet, and Louisa Lanewood / LouisaLanewood.com. The band will be making its professional world premier debut at the 2009 Calendar Show performing their exciting new hit "Fuck You Until You Die" which has music critics raving, in what can only be described as pornicopia of visual and audio excitement guaranteed to leave their many new found fans breathless with their hearts palputating. Music critics are already raving that these girls have given new meaning to the genre "Hard Rock"!
For more about Pajama Band visit MySpace.com/PajamaBandMusic
For more about the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show
Beautiful Playboy cover model Amanda Bently at the classic 1940's Canyon Service Station in Santa Monica, CA, with a Paul Yaffe chopper, this incredible photo was featured on the cover of the 2003 Iron & Lace Calendar.
First Time Ever! FastDates.com Calendar Images Available for Sale!
Photo Prints, Posters, Canvas Wall Murals
Now, for the first time you can have my favorite, most memorable FastDates.com Calendar photos reproduced to museum qualty standards for your home, garage, office or store, thanks to our new partnership with one of America's premier online photo labs. Choose from photo prints on quality photo paper, to huge poster and mural size Giclee' photo prints on archival rag paper or canvas mounted to wooden frames or display boxes.
Now you can enjoy my best photos of the the world's finest motorcycles with beautiful models! - Jim Gianatsis

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Also Visit:
Fast Dates Calendar News • Pit Lane News • Calendar Girl News • Meet the Models
See much more of our
all our beautiful calendar girls
in their sexy pictorials in FastDates.com Members Corner...

Some of our Calendar
Girls can also be seen at Playboy's website...

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