Calendar Kitten & Garage Girls News January - February 2011
...and Last Month's Garage Girls News HERE
This Month in the 2012 Garage Girls Calendar...
Layla and Candise light our fire!
There's definetly going to be some sparks flying when Layla Bela lights up her welding torch. Her girlfriend
Candise Lakota prepares to keep cool by stripping down for us in what has to be one of our hottest Calendar Kitten duos ever.
Order the 2012 Garage Girls Calendar now, and see Tiffany'sour Calendar Kittens revealing pictorials in Members Corner.

Meet newest FastDates.com Calendar Kitten Liz Leyda
Los Angeles, CA, Jan 1st, 2012 - Out glamerious FastDates.com offices get so cluttered and noisey with Supermodels and Superbikes it's totally distracting and hard to get any work done... Kinda like working on the starting grid of a World Superbike race... Oh, we do that too! :)

Meet beautiful supermodel, former Miss Teen Utah Liz Leyda who came by our studio and offices this past month to shoot for the next edidtion of the FastDates.com Calendars. Liz moved to Los Anglees last year to study and break into TV journalism and hosting. Between taking school classes she is modeling to help pay the bills. We think this well-spoken and beautiful girl is sure tohave her dreams come true.
Jim Gianatsis photographed Liz with some really cool custom Triumph Streettracker Cafe Bikes built by Richard Pollock of MuleMotorcycles.net. Also look for our shoots with Liz and the bikes to be featured in an upcoming edition of Cafe Racer magazine, and in th Calendar Bike Garage.

Meet our new Calendar Kitten Pepper
November 1st, 2011 - Our newest and barely legal 18-year old scooter girl named Pepper loves sex, girls and nude modeling, usually all at the same time! We found her through the Los Angeles adult model agency which has been sending us all the top adult teen models you've seen in our Calendars the past 15 years and Pepper was the first natual redhead we've shot with in a long time. Jim Gianatsis photographed Pepper for the FastDates.com Calenars on location at Bartel's Route 66 Rentals and Harley-Davidson dealership, in Marina Del Ray, CA. We got to pose her on a couple of classic Vespa motor scooter curtesey of store owner Glen Bartels, who turned his hobby of restoring Italain scooters into a business.
For additional information on rental Harleys and Scooters in Los Angeles check out
www.Route66riders.com and Route66modernclassics.com / Marina Del Ray, CA.
Beautiful Pepper will be appearing in a lot of adult magazines and websites in the coming years, but you got to meet her here first. As a special treat we'll give you a preview of a nude pictoiral of Pepper on our associate X-Art.com'w website. There, she goes by the model name of Elle.
Just click here on the X-Art.com banner ad link:

You’ll find lots more of Pepper with us, and wearing a lot less in FastDates.com Members Corner,
where you also gett free daily updates from X-Art.com and Met-Art.com

Meet World Superbike Grid Girl Jana
Many of the regular SBK grid girls from the europen races were in attandence at the party. Most are from the Czeh Republic and fly in from Prauge.
Below is beautiful Jana. Many of the girls, including Jana who models under the name Eufrat, are featured on the MetArt and Errotica Archives which you can visit at the banner links below. Are we looking at a future Fast Dates Calendar Kitten? Stay tuned.....

This Month in the 2011 Garage Girls Calendar...
Sara Baliant checks our tire pressures!
Sara Baliant is featured in all the new 2012 FastDates.com Calendars
Order the 2011/12 Garage Girls Calendars now, and see their very revealing sexy pictorials in Members Corner.

The Pretty Reckless "Light My Fire"
January 1st - We've been telling you about one of the most exciting and talented girl fronted rock bands to come on the music scene in decades, Taylor Momsen in The Pretty Reckless, who we've featured in our Chicks That Kick Ass section. The former under age goody-goody Gossip Girl TV show actress, now gone bad girl has one of the most beautiful sexy and energy charged voices ever heard, back by an incredible band with some very edgy and and well written songs that are guaranteed to be top hits in the coming months if they can get past the radio station sensors. It's hard to describe Taylor's singing style because there's never been anyone like her, but imagine an Avril LaVigne pop rock princess gone bad and singing about sex and fucking. The Pretty Reckless band has been together for just a little over 2 years now when Taylor first turned 16 years old. She's now turned a legal 18 years old this past year and has been Lighting It Up across America and Europe in sold out concert torurs.

The Pretty Reckless EP
click to order
We are huge Pretty Reckless fans. To find out more about Taylor and The Pretty Reckless check out their Girls That Kick Ass! page here, check out their Music Videos here and on YouTube.com, and definitely buy "Light My Fire". We guarantee you will be blown away. Tour dates at www.The PrettyReckless.com. |

Light Me Up CD
click to order |
More Calendar
Girl News
Visit Members Corner
for very sexy Calendar Kitten pictorials....

Click for a Free Met Art Sample Model Gallery Updated Each Day!

Some of our
Calendar Kittens can also at Playboy's website...
