Jimmy "The Greek" Gianatsis testing 500cc World Motocross Champion Heikki Mikkola's Husqvarna 360CR for Cycle News in 1972.
This just in.....
The Death of an Industry Icon for 40 years - Cycle News
Wednesday September 1st, 2010 - Intro by By Geoff Meyer - News in America is that American Motorcycle magazine Cycle News is no more. Cycle News has been the bible of Motorcycle racing in America for around 50 years and this is a sad day for the sport. Cycle News was the first magazine that gave me a chance when I started covering the World MX series.
Many of the leading journalists got their break at Cycle News and the staff of Paul Carruthers and Kit Palmer were always a pleasure to work with. I worked there for nearly 15 years from 1994 covering World Enduro and World Motocross before ending there in 2007 as their budget so smaller and interest in the FIM World Motocross Championship got smaller.
I really enjoyed working for the leading magazine in America and getting the Grand Prix series shown in a positive way. I feel pretty lucky to have worked there and while the magazine lost the battle against the allmighty internet it will always be considered a major part of the sports history.
From Speedway, Motocross, MotoGP, Enduro, World Superbike or most any motorcycle sport Cycle News ran it, and for many years it was the first place to go for results from around the World. As internet took over the magazines got smaller and the interest from advertisers and readers got less.
It is a sad day for the sport as progress takes one of our most loved magazines. R.I.P. Cycle News and thanks for the chance to be part of that magnificent newspaper.
Comments from Paul Carruthers editor for 25 years
"It’s difficult to not be filled with both anger and sadness after getting the news from my former co-workers yesterday afternoon that the plug had been pulled on Cycle News and that its death was imminent. Anger because it shouldn’t have ended like this, sadness because it did.
But the weekly motorcycle publication that has been a part of my life since my family moved to America in 1971 is gone. I read Cycle News as a child, as a teenager my name could be found periodically in its pages for my racing exploits at South Bay Speedway in San Diego, and as a fresh-faced young man I took a job there. And it was within the hallowed walls of the then Cycle News offices on Signal Hill in Long Beach that I grew up and became a man. Up until last week, my two children, now adults at 18 and 21, had never known their father to work anywhere else.
I was told last night that I should feel vindicated with the publication going out of business just a week after they let me go as the editor after a 25-year run, but I don’t. I knew this day was coming. I just didn’t know it would come so quickly. When pushed to the point where I lost my temper on the way out the door last week, I predicted they’d be out of business in three weeks. I guess betting the under would have won someone some money.
I can sit here all day long and tell you how the company could have been saved, but what’s the point. You don’t hear people speak badly of the deceased in a eulogy and I’m not about to start the trend at Cycle News‘ funeral. The publication was like a good friend and the long list of people who worked there over my 25 years were like family members. Most went in different directions as time passed, but we were and always will be connected in some way through the times we spent at the smoky offices in Long Beach and the newer digs in Costa Mesa. And when I sit here and think about my times at CN, the good far outweigh the bad. And it is the memories of the people that still bring a smile to my face.
I wasn’t proud of every Cycle News that we printed, but I was proud of most of them. For the most part, the publication was put together each and every week by a staff that cared, a staff that often went above and beyond the call of duty to produce a newspaper that people liked, wanted and needed. And we normally did so without hearing much from the people above. Along the way we went to each other’s weddings, we saw each other’s children grow up and we even attended funerals together. We fought, we cried, we smiled and we celebrated together and through it all we produced our little publication that fed the needs of an industry. It was a family of people so big that old names and faces keep popping into my head as I sit here.
So where does it go from here? I’m not sure how these things work, but it concerns me. At this point I’m not sure I should give a damn, but I do. There’s a lot of history there… for every photo on a proof sheet that was chosen for publication and circled with a blue grease pencil, there are 35 other photos of equal importance. There are bound volumes of every issue ever printed, file drawers full of photos of heroes past and present. Of motorcycles from then and now. And I worry that whatever vulture that ultimately gets their hands on the remains won’t fully comprehend what it all means. I fret not for the things that will be saved, but for the things that will probably get trashed. I fear someone going through the wreckage who knows nothing of Dick Mann, of Giacomo Agostini, or of Kenny Roberts or Roger DeCoster.
I wanted to be a part of rehabiliating Cycle News, of bringing it back to life in a time much different from when it reached its zenith. But I was ulimately thwarted in my efforts and now it’s time to move on. I do so knowing that I gave it everything I had.
So as I sit here this morning and struggle with the loss of a friend, I know there are several others out there who are feeling the same. No matter how their time at Cycle News ended, and a lot ended badly, the little weekly motorcycle publication that could probably remains a bigger part of their lives than they may want to admit to. It’s gone now, but it will never be forgotten." - PC

Above, Jimmy "The Greek" Gianatsis testing a Husky WR360 on the cover of Cycle News West in January 1976, and at left, in the trenches covering an AMA Motocross National. The T-shirt reads "Radical Richard's Racing Tape" a popular protective hand wrap tape to prevent blisters for motocross racers of the time. |
Comments from Jim Gianatsis of FastDates.com, Cycle News Editor for 12 years 1968-1980
I was with Cycle News almost from the beginning. Sharon and Chuck Clayton started what would become Cycle News West from their from their home in Long Beach California in the mid 1960s and they quickly expanded it across the United States by buying up other regional motorcycle monthlies. I was 19 years old working at a local Yamaha dealer in 1968 in my hometown of Biloxi Mississippi, and had my first new motorcycle in years, a Yamaha CT175 that I was racing on the weekends in anything from scrambles, to motocross, to roadracing on a 1/2 mile banked asphalt stock car track on Saturday nights in nearby Mobile. I had one set of spoked wheels with Continental streetbike tires for roadracing, then late Saturday night after the races I bring my bike back to the shop and convert it back over to knobbles for motocross on Sunday morning. One of my hobbies had always been photography, and since I was also shooting at the races, and that's when I started shooting and covering the local races for Dixie Cycle News based out of Atlanta.
Within a year I had turned AMA Pro motocrosser, moved to Florida to work at a couple of Yamaha shops there, and was racing in the Florida Winter-Am Series with guys like Gary Bailey and Barry Higgins, while also sending in race coverage and test of new dirt bikes to Dixie Cycle News. In the summer of 1969 the Clayton's decided to consolidated two Eastern newspaper they had recently purchased, Motorcyclist's Post out of Lorain Ohio edited by Todd Rafferty and Gary Van Voorhis, together with Dixie Cycle News. Both papers merged under the new title of Cycle News East based in Tucker Georgia under the editorship of Jack Mangus, a dirt track enthusiast from Maryland and friend of Triumph dirt tracker Gary Nixon. Jack immediately phoned me in Florida and asked me to come on board as the paper's resident motocross specialist. About the same time back in California at Cycle News West under the Claytons, a skinny arrogant kid named John Ulrich who desert raced and enduroed DKWs was hired on as editor there.
Once I arrived at Cycle News East I quickly found my job was much more than covering the races. Along with production artist Carol O'Neal we were responsible for the entire production of the paper which at that time was done by paste-up, using hot wax to burnish down the word type and halftone photographs to the cardboard page layout boards. Carol also did all the newspaper's typesetting from hand written or typewriter generated copy. I was also the photo lab guy responsible for the processing of all the newspaper's raw film, proof sheeting it, then making the selected photo prints and then using them to make the paper half-tones for paste up on the pages.
My editorial duties included writing 1-2 feature articles during the week, which could have been a bike test and racer interview. And on weekends I would fly across the country to cover all the major AMA National, Trans-Am's and Supercross races East of the Mississippi. Cycle News West covered the Western region events. And around 1972 the Clayton's bought up another regional publication in Austin, Texas where Jody Weisel was the editor and it became Cycle News Central. When either of us regional editors covered a National weekend event in our area we had to carry 2 camera's and shoot 3 sets of film, one for each of the 3 Cycle News regions. Then Sunday night after the races we'd drive our rental car back to the nearest airport on Sunday night and put the film on planes to Los Angeles, Austin and Atlanta to be picked up the next morning. We also had to write out race story on the airplane that night as we flew home, as it had to be done by 9am that Monday morning so it could be teletyped to the other two offices as well. This was all before the days of Email, Faxes and Federal Express.
Mondays were always the most hectic at all 3 editions of Cycle News as we had to have our papers completed by that evening for delivery to each of our regional printers on Tuesday, where they would be printed and mailed out to subscribers on Wednesday for Friday delivery. So even after covering a Trans-Am races at Unadila in upstate New York just the day before, I 'd be back into Atlanta on a plane by midnight, catch 5 hours sleep and show up at our Cycle News office by 8am to finish up the paper. We'd usually stay there to 10pm that Monday night to finish up the paper, a good 14 hour day, drinking beers and getting pretty crazy. Some of the editors lived off whiskey bottles stashed in their desk drawers. I'd have to come right back Tuesday morning to drive the finished newspaper paste boards up to Athens Georgia, 60 miles away where our printer was located, and stay the day as the paper was plated and printed, doing a press check and bring finished copies of the paper back to the office. I usually drove senior editor Mangus' 1969 Pontiac GTO up to Athens and back on the narrow 2-lane moonshiner wooded back roads with the speedometer hovering around 100 mph and the Who's classic Who's Next album playing full volume on the 8-track. I knew then I'd be looking back on that as one of the best times in my life.
I worked 60 - 100 hours a week and loved it. It was a dream job, working, writing, photographing and hanging out with the best motorcycle racers in the world at the heyday of the sport in America. On the one or two weekends a month I wasn't covering a race, I might be racing myself, or doing both. A couple of top 20 finishes at the only two AMA Motocross Nationals I raced in 1972 earned me the AMA national #100 plate, which I kept for years. It was later given to National Champion Bob "Hurricane" Hannah in 1981 when he came back from a water skiing accident that broke his leg. It was principally me in my Cycle News race reports, along with a little help from Jody Weisel, Tony Distefano and Carol O'Neal when we were hanging out togther, who nicknamed most of the top motocrossers of the time. I named Bob the "Hurricane" and Rick Burget the "Lumberjack" during a mid-week practice day we were hanging out together in an orange grove when they first were signed with Yamaha and came to race the Florida Seies in 1975. Bob because he blew into the National race scene that winter like Florida Hurricane, and Rick because he was from lumber country in Oregon and had with him a kid's toy chain saw.
Sharon Clayton made us sign 40 hour week time cards so we couldn't ever come back and sue her for unpaid overtime wages if we ever got fired. Mangus and I wanted at one point, to evolve Cycle News into the feature style of the then hugely popular Rolling Stone music newspaper, and I'd like to think East took the lead among the 3 Regions (despite not being located in the motorcycle capital of Los Angeles) and evolved Cycle News beyond just race coverage, but feature storys as well. My first year there in the fall of 1969 we had the entire contingent of European Trans-AM riders including Ake Jonsson and Willy Baeur come into the office for a round table interview. Another time we rode Yamaha and Kawasaki new streetbikes from Atlanta up to the town of Cherokee in Tennessee and along the Appalachian Parkway in one ot the first road trip storys ever.
We had our characters, from the cigar smoking big Bob Link the ad guy who chased women, to Leo Potvin who wore a Cycle News T-shirt and cap pedaled Cycle News to the spectators at major National races and became the face of Cycle News to many people. At some point in time all the good editors did get fired. We felt we were part of the paper and wanted to make it even better, to the point in butted head with management. Mangus fired me in November 1972 in a little spat over my not wanting to cover both a 2-day Trans-Am race all weekend. and also help Gary Van Voorhis shoot a Dirt Track Saturday Night National in the same city. My position at Cycle News east was filled by my friend and freelancer Charlie Morey, a machinist working at an aircraft plant in Palm Beach, Florida, who had been providing coveage at Florida races
I used my numerous contacts to moved to Ohio to work for John Penton, owner of Husquvarna East at the time. I lived net door to Dick Burson and the Pentons, in a communal house that John owned and which I shared which I shared with other Penton employees and Husky and Penton racers including Kent Howerton, Marty Tripes and World Champion Heikki Mikkola when he came over for the Trans-AMA races. I was at Husky East for a year, but was then was let go when Husquvarna of Sweden decided to takeover ownership of the East and West US distributorships and consolodate them in Tennessee.
I then returned to motojournalism in 1974 -1980 covering most of the National Motocross and Trans AMA races and doing feature articles for Cycle News on both coasts. As their principal freelance editor I covered most all of the mojor motocross National, Trans-AMA and Supercross races from Southwick. MA, in the east to Carlsbad, CA, in the west. I was close friends with all the riders, particularly Tony DiStefano and Bob Hannah and traveled the circuit with them and their mechanics in their factory box vans or in my own Ford E250 Econoline Van. I often stayed at the riders' homes during the week at varius locations around the country, and on race weekends I slept on their motel room floors. Once I made a non stop solo record run from Los Angeles to Daytona in 36 hours. The race teams often stopped over at my parent's house in Biloxi on the Gulf Coast, where I was based at the time, to rebuild their race bikes on our front lawn between trips to and from Daytona.
I covered all the major motocross races, tested bikes and wrote feature storys for Cycle News up through 1980. Because I was a skilled pro rider and was close to all the teams, I was the only journalist allowed to test all the top factory works motocross bikes of that era. Many times after testing the works bikes I be able to help the teams and rider set up their bikes much better, since many of the factory riders were just kids whiout any testing and development experience. My riding, development and testing skills would serve me latter when I went to Moto-X Fox and helped design and set up racing suspensions for not only the factory motocross teams, but roadracing Superbike Champions Wes Cooley, Eddie Lawson and Waye Rainey.
By 1980 many of the publications had their own staff to cover races and it wasn't very profitable to freelance any longer. So at that point I moved from my parent's house in Mississippi out to Northern California and went to work full time for Moto-X Fox in San Jose, CA, as their product designer and marketing manager. There I was abe to continue working with all the top factory race teams and riders in both motocross and AMA roadracing, as most everyone wore Fox apparel and used Fox suspension.
During the mid 1970s Cycle News with their 3 editions was probably the most important motorcycle publication in America with nearly 30 employees and a national circulation close to 90,000.
Cycle News was sold on the parts counters of every motorcycle shop in America. In 1976 all 3 editons were merged together at Cycle News West with Jody Weisel and Jack Mangus moving there to take over the reigns. John Ulrich was let go and went to work for Cycle World, and later started his own newspaper Roadracing World which would rival Cycle News for that sport's news segment. Cycle News was still the only news source for all of motorcycle racing in America up through the year 2000. It filled a need in the sport that lasted until the Speed TV Channel emerged to cover racing in the 1990s. Still the Japanese bike distributors poured 10s of thousands of dollar in advertising revenue into Cycle News each month to tout their race wins over each other in 2-page spreds costing $10,000 each, or their newest bikes, just as a matter of company pride. By 2000 the paper's circulation had dropped to around 40,000 copies and continued to loose another 1,000 or more each year after that.
Then the internet came into its own around year 2000 and the handwriting was on the wall by year 2005. Now all the race organizations from AMA to World Superbike and MotoGP had their own press offices and websites to report their races. This was soon followed by the race teams themselves getting their own press officers to send out free team coverage as well. Anyone with a motorcycle news website had access to just as detailed race coverage as Cycle News. And Speed TV was providing same day race coverage of all the major National and International races.
Then when the US economy started its downturn 3 years ago and the motorcycle distributors saw their sales drop as low as 80%, all their advertising budgets ran dry, particularly for Cycle News which was now down to less than 30,000 readers a week. People could now get all their motorcycle racing news faster on TV and on the internet, so why pay for an expensive newsprint subscription which arrived a week later?
Could Cycle News have survived the current economic crises if it had done something different? Hard to say. Loosing the advertising revenue of the major motorcycle manufacturers was a huge blow. But CN still could have survived if they could have stopped focusing on racing only coverage, where they could no longer compete with TV and the internet. They should have evolved years earlier as mainstream motorcycle weekly newspaper like England's still hugely successful MCN Motorcycle News (sold on every newstand in the country, and suprising in alll major airport termnals across Europe as well!). Cycle News needed to cover other major non racing motorcycle events like Sturgis, the EICMA Show in Milan, the Bike and Product manufacturers, and provide current industy news for manufacturers and dealers, which it never did. It stayed too focused to racing news only.
Cycle News Coverage was also extreamely biased and focused in that it never reported anything bad in detail, be it a racing death and track saftey, poor motorcycle sales and spectator event attendance, problems with the AMA, or important government legislation affecting the industry. It ignored the American V-twin market almost entirely, which had become the biggest enthusiast segment in America. Ironically the Claytons had tried to start a Harley enthusiast publication out of the West office back in 1971 with an editor named Biker Bob. It unfortunatley was 20 yers before its time and the plug was pulled after a year. Now free give-away V-Twin newspapers like Thunder Pres and Quick Throttle are in every V-twin store in America like Cycle News once had been. Both Sharon Clayton and most recent editor Paul Carruthers became too set in their ways. They didn't want to change until it was already too late.- Jimmy "The Greek" Gianatsis
Max Biaggi
Superbike World Championship, Nurburgring DM, Round 11 of 13
Rea and Haga Share Superbike Wins at the Nurburgring
as Title Battle continues between Biaggi and Haslam
Nurburgring, Germany September 3rd-5th 2010- Jonathan Rea (Hannspree Ten Kate Honda) and Noriyuki Haga (Ducati Xerox) each got back to winning ways this weekend in front of a 45,000 crowd at the Nurburgring, as Rea posted his fourth and Haga his second win of the 2010 championship campaign. It was a frustrating weekend for the two top riders in the World Superbike Championship, as they had to watch others take the glory, as Max Biaggi (Aprilia Alitalia) had his championship lead over Leon Haslam (Suzuki Alstare) cut, despite Haslam suffering a dislocated thumb and knee injuries. Biaggi now leads the series by a slightly trimmed 58 points, with two full rounds to go.
Rea’s win and then a second place, combined with a luckless race two for Carlos Checa (Althea Racing) sees the Honda man in third overall, 64 points ahead of the Spanish rider. Rea also took a new lap record, 1’55.392, in race one. Cal Crutchlow is only seven points behind Checa, in fifth place, having scored a third and a fourth place in Germany. Haga’s win sees him sixth, 15 points clear of James Toseland (Yamaha Sterilgarda) who fell in race one and was only eighth in race two. Strong rides from Sylvain Guintoli (Suzuki Alstare) put him eighth overall, ahead of injured rider Leon Camier and Michel Fabrizio.
BMW has a hurge marketing presence in Europe and is always associating their cars and motorcyles with fashion shoots that they povide to the media. Here Troy Corser poses with two supermodels in BMW fashion gowns.
Checa and Corser Quickest in Qualifying at Nurburgring World Superbike
Nurburgring, Friday 3 September 2010 - Privateer Carlos Checa (Althea Racing Ducati) slammed in a brilliant new track best lap of 1'55.232 during the opening qualifying session of race weekend to lead local favourite Troy Corser (BMW Motorrad Motorsport). Checa was a podium finisher at Nürburgring in 2009, and is looking forward to another chance to improve tomorrow, before facing Superpole on Saturday afternoon. On his German-built BMW machine, Corser headed a trio of Ducati riders; Michel Fabrizio (Ducati Xerox Team, Shane Byrne (Althea Racing Ducati) and Noriyuki Haga (Ducati Xerox Team).
LeftChampionship leader Max Biaggi was sixth for Aprilia Alitalia Racing, keeping up the pressure on challenger Leon Haslam, who was only 11th for Suzuki Alstare. Double Silverstone race winner Cal Crutchlow (Yamaha Sterilgarda Team) was top Yamaha rider, Jonathan Rea (HANNspree Ten Kate Honda) the fastest Honda man in eighth place.
Left: Carlos Chca on the Althera Ducati continues to top the Ducai Corse team riders. |
Privateer Jakub Smrz (Team PATA B&G Racing) slipped into the top ten, as did Tom Sykes (Kawasaki Racing Team) on the same weekend his team launched their new 2011 season challenger in the WSBK paddock. Local hero Max Neukirchner (HANNspree Ten Kate Honda) posted a top 12 time, but it was an unhappy and painful session for Leon Camier (Aprilia Alitalia Racing) who broke his right wrist in a heavy fall, and has been declared unfit to race on Sunday. He also hurt his knee, but without serious injury. Stand-in rider Ian Lowry Kawasaki Racing Team) was 19th and by no means the last rider in the first day rankings.
Friday Practice Times: 1. Checa C. (ESP) Ducati 1098R 1'55.232; 2. Corser T. (AUS) BMW S1000 RR 1'55.447; 3. Fabrizio M. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'55.753; 4. Byrne S. (GBR) Ducati 1098R 1'55.998; 5. Haga N. (JPN) Ducati 1098R 1'56.024; 6. Biaggi M. (ITA) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 1'56.077; 7. Crutchlow C. (GBR) Yamaha YZF R1 1'56.169; 8. Rea J. (GBR) Honda CBR1000RR 1'56.253; 9. Smrz J. (CZE) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 1'56.340; 10. Sykes T. (GBR) Kawasaki ZX 10R 1'56.436; 11. Haslam L. (GBR) Suzuki GSX-R1000 1'56.617; 12. Neukirchner M. (GER) Honda CBR1000RR 1'56.617; 13. Scassa L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'56.734; 14. Xaus R. (ESP) BMW S1000 RR 1'56.799; 15. Lanzi L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'56.819; 16. Camier L. (GBR) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 1'56.825; etc.
Carlos Checa and Max Biaggi on the Superpole podium
Biaggi notches up second career Superpole at the Nurburgring
Day 2 Nurburgring, Saturday 4th - Points leader Max Biaggi (Aprilia Alitalia) slammed in a record 1’54.595 in the final run to take only his second career Superpole win and lead tomorrow’s race grid for the German Round at the Nurburgring. Carlos Checa (Althea Racing) was the early pace setter and remained second, but original third place man James Toseland (Yamaha Sterilgarda) was demoted to eighth, after leaving pitlane too early in Superpole 3. All the riders behind him, down to eighth place, were thus promoted one spot on the grid.
Sylvain Guintoli (Suzuki Alstare) is now in third on the revised grid, with Jonathan Rea (Hannspree Ten Kate Honda) moving up to fourth. Leon Haslam (Suzuki Alstare) is one step closer to Biaggi in fifth, and Noriyuki Haga (Ducati Xerox) is now sixth, not seventh. Tom Sykes had a great ride throughout Superpole, and slotted his Kawasaki Racing Team four-cylinder into seventh place, one up on the luckless Toseland.

Troy Corser (BMW Motorrad), who has been one of the main protagonists throughout the weekend, had a luckless Superpole, this time high-siding, and landing hard, his third crash in around an hour of track action. He was out of Superpole from that point, finally qualifying 14th.
Max Biaggi: “After my crash I had a pain in my back and my left arm but nothing broken, just a big crash. We did a lot of work in set-up on the bike and our race pace is not so bad. For the race tyres, we are not so bad and after a few laps there should be even better grip. I am happy for me and my team, and all my sponsors.”
Carlos Checa: “Everything has worked well here with our bike and we have been quick to find a competitive pace. We were fast in Superpole but then Max did an even faster lap and we went second. We are on the front row and satisfied with our pace. I hope we can finish the season well and bring Ducati to the top.”
Sylvain Guintoli: “After going fastest in the second Superpole I thought I could go even better but I had no more qualifying tyres left. I had burned one getting stuck behind people so I had to put a used one in for the last part of the last session. But I am happy, have a good pace and this track is so nice, brilliant.”
SuperPole Times: 1. Biaggi M. (ITA) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 1'54.595; 2. Checa C. (ESP) Ducati 1098R 1'54.621; 3. Guintoli S. (FRA) Suzuki GSX-R1000 1'54.934; 4. Rea J. (GBR) Honda CBR1000RR 1'55.138; 5.Haslam L. (GBR) Suzuki GSX-R1000 1'55.161; 6.Haga N. (JPN) Ducati 1098R 1'55.276; 7. Sykes T. (GBR) Kawasaki ZX 10R 1'55.378; 8. Toseland J. (GBR) Yamaha YZF R1 1'54.909; 9. Fabrizio M. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'55.264; 10. Crutchlow C. (GBR) Yamaha YZF R1 1'55.295; 11. Xaus R. (ESP) BMW S1000 RR 1'55.375; 12. Lanzi L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'55.524; 13. Smrz J. (CZE) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 1'55.577; 14.Corser T. (AUS) BMW S1000 RR 1'55.599; 15.Neukirchner M. (GER) Honda CBR1000RR 1'55.735; 16. Scassa L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'55.908
Start at the Nurbugring. Click to GO BIG.
Race 1 Runaway for Ten Kate Honda's Jonthan Rea
Race Day, Sunday 5th - Jonathan Rea took an early lead in the re-started first race, and rode at full pace to lead Carlos Checa home and record his fourth win of the 2010 season. Third place went to Yamaha Sterilgarda rider Cal Crutchlow, ten seconds back on Rea. Championship leader Max Biaggi was fourth, and Kawasaki Racing Team rider Tom Sykes was a more than creditable fifth. Leon Haslam, one of the riders involved in the crash that caused the race to be stopped and then completely re-run, was sixth. Ruben Xaus was first BMW Motorrad Motorsport rider home in Germany, seventh.

Jonathan Rea: “A great race and a great weekend for the team. Already on Friday we were right on the pace, we came out with a bike that was good, really pushed hard, I felt comfortable on it and turned it into a good result so I’m really proud of my team.”
Carlos Checa: “We had a good start and fought with Haga who then fell in front of me. Then I tried to follow Jonathan but he was very strong and nothing happened to the end. We did our best and are quite satisfied with the pace and the work we did this weekend.”
Cal Crutchlow: “Nice to be back up here. Tenth on the grid is not so good into the first corner but I did the best job I could for Yamaha Sterilgarda. I thought right through that third place on this track is incredible for our bike and it was going to be difficult.”

Jonthan Rea tops the podium in race one for Ten Kate Honda, joined by Carlos Checa and Cal Crutchlow.
Superbike Race 1 Results: (with the Pirelli Tire Compounds they used) 1. Rea J. (GBR) Honda CBR1000RR 38'42.640 (159,243 kph) (C/A); 2. Checa C. (ESP) Ducati 1098R 1.126 (A/A); 3. Crutchlow C. (GBR) Yamaha YZF R1 10.006 (C/A); 4.Biaggi M. (ITA) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 10.716 (B/C); 5. Sykes T. (GBR) Kawasaki ZX 10R 17.391 (C/A); 6. Haslam L. (GBR) Suzuki GSX-R1000 19.301 (A/C); 7. Xaus R. (ESP) BMW S1000 RR 19.613 (B/C); 8. Guintoli S. (FRA) Suzuki GSX-R1000 19.880 (A/C); 9. Byrne S. (GBR) Ducati 1098R 21.176 (C/A); 10. Scassa L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 29.752 (B/A); 11. Lanzi L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 30.156 (A/C); 12. Lowry I. (GBR) Kawasaki ZX 10R 53.622 (B/C); 13. Hayden R. (USA) Kawasaki ZX 10R 58.820 (B/A); 14. Baiocco M. (ITA) Kawasaki ZX 10R 1'25.906 (A/A)

Race 2 Haga Returns with a Vengence
Noriyuki Haga, a race one faller, was an impressive winner of race two, the Japanese rider shining strongly in the German sunshine. He was an eventual 3.061 seconds ahead of Jonathan Rea. Leon Haslam (Suzuki Alstare) rode through the pain barrier to go third, with Cal Crutchlow (Yamaha Sterilgarda) ending up fourth. Max Biaggi (Aprilia Alitalia) managed to keep Sylvain Guintoli (Suzuki Alstare) behind him at the flag for fifth, in a tense 20-lap race for the championship’s top men.
Noriyuki Haga: “I’m very happy with this result and very sorry for the first race. When I had a crash, I wasn’t getting information from the front tyre and for race 2 I made just a little modification for the front suspension and that was working much better. I was able to keep a high pace until the flag. Next round is Imola, our home track and I have much pressure but I hope to do my best.”
Jonathan Rea: “The pace was similar to race 1 but Nori was fantastic, he rode an unbelievable race. It’s quite frustrating when you see someone ride away from you like that. A great job for my team this weekend, 45 points overall and I’m really very happy. I’m very consistent now but it’s so frustrating when I see my mid-season form.”
Leon Haslam: “Race 1 was a bit frustrating, it was completely my fault when I high-sided and Troy had nowhere to go, so luckily the race was red-flagged. In the second race, I only had one bike but the boys did a great job and the Clinica did a fantastic job with my knee and my thumb so thanks to them. Getting on the podium is not exactly what I wanted but we’ll take it this weekend. Anything can happen, there are four more races still to go so roll on Imola!”
Superbike Race 2 Results: 1.Haga N. (JPN)Ducati 1098R 8'43.565 (159,18 kph); 2.Rea J. (GBR) Honda CBR1000RR 3.061; 3. Haslam L. (GBR) Suzuki GSX-R1000 8.060; 4.Crutchlow C. (GBR) Yamaha YZF R1 8.457; 5. Biaggi M. (ITA) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 9.392; 6. Guintoli S. (FRA) Suzuki GSX-R1000 9.556; 7. Sykes T. (GBR) Kawasaki ZX 10R 16.819; 8. Toseland J. (GBR) Yamaha YZF R1 20.564; 9.Xaus R. (ESP) BMW S1000 RR 21.040; 10. Byrne S. (GBR) Ducati 1098R 21.168; 11.Smrz J. (CZE) Aprilia RSV4 Factory 21.734; 12.Corser T. (AUS) BMW S1000 RR 22.746; 13.Lanzi L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 24.526; 14. Scassa L. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 28.218; 15. Neukirchner M. (GER) Honda CBR1000RR 38.406; 16. Hayden R. (USA) Kawasaki ZX 10R 1'08.039; 17. Baiocco M. (ITA) Kawasaki ZX 10R 1'21.294; 18. Lai F. (ITA) Honda CBR1000RR 1'21.362; 19. Fabrizio M. (ITA) Ducati 1098R 1'38.427
All riders on same solutions with the exception of Guintoli and Lanzi who changed to the “A” rear and Hayden who changed to the “C” rear for Race 2.
Points (after 11 rounds of 13): 1. Biaggi 397; 2. Haslam 339; 3. Rea 288; 4. Checa 224; 5. Crutchlow 217; 6. Haga 202; 7. Toseland 187; 8. Guintoli 69; 9. Camier 164; 10. Fabrizio 160. Manufacturers: 1. Aprilia 409; 2. Suzuki 360; 3. Ducati 342; 4.Honda 299; 5.Yamaha 285; 6. BMW 190; 7. Kawasaki 77
World Supersport
A close race at the front saw Eugene Laverty (Parkalgar Honda) take a win by only 0.058 seconds from Gino Rea (Intermoto Czech Honda), only for Rea to be disqualified because of a technical infraction with his machine. Laverty set the best time of the race on lap 17 to hold off the battling Rea. Kenan Sofuoglu (Hannspree Ten Kate Honda) was eventually second and thus Sofuoglu leads the championship fight by a still comfortable margin of 12 points. Top Kawasaki rider was the returning Broc Parkes (Kawasaki Motocard.com) who was finally awarded a podium place, ahead of Fabien Foret (Lorenzini by Leoni Kawasaki).
Supersport Results: 1.Laverty E. (IRL) Honda CBR600RR 37'52.893 (154,592 kph); 2.Sofuoglu K. (TUR) Honda CBR600RR 5.072; 3.Parkes B. (AUS) Kawasaki ZX-6R 15.890; 4.Foret F. (FRA) Kawasaki ZX-6R 16.911; 5. Davies C. (GBR) Triumph Daytona 675 28.380; 6.Salom D. (ESP) Triumph Daytona 675 28.495; 7.Roccoli M. (ITA) Honda CBR600RR 28.578; 8.Pirro M. (ITA) Honda CBR600RR 28.787; etc.
Points (after 11 rounds of 13): 1. Sofuoglu 223; 2. Laverty 211; 3. Lascorz 168; 4. Davies 137; 5. Salom 90;6.Harms 87;7. Rea 83; 8.Pirro 66; 9. Foret 65; 10.Lagrive 65. Manufacturers: 1. Honda 270 (2010 champions); 2. Kawasaki 185; 3. Triumph 146; 4. Yamaha 22
Superstock 1000
Ayrton Badovini (BMW Motorrad Italia STK) took his eighth successive win of the season at a sunny Nürburgring, posting a perfect 200 points total so far. Winning in BMW’s home country, Badovini was almost a second up on Maxime Berger (Ten Kate Race Junior) with Andrea Antonelli (Team Lorini) in contact and in the final podium place. Sylvain Barrier (Garnier Junior Racing) won a close fight with Loris Baz (MRS Racing) and Michele Magnoni (Bevilacqua Corse).
Superstock Results: 1. Badovini A. (ITA) BMW S1000 RR 22'02.582 (153,809 kph); 2. Berger M. (FRA) Honda CBR1000RR 0.906; 3. Antonelli A. (ITA) Honda CBR1000RR 3.058; 4. Barrier S. (FRA) BMW S1000 RR 12.078; 5. Baz L. (FRA) Yamaha YZF R1 12.328; 6. Magnoni M. (ITA) Honda CBR1000RR 12.849; 7. Giugliano D. (ITA) Suzuki GSX-R 1000 14.395; 8. La Marra E. (ITA) Honda CBR1000RR 15.560;
Points (after 8 rounds of 10): 1. Badovini 200; 2. Berger 106; 3. Magnoni 94; 4.Antonelli 89; 5. Giugliano 71; 6. Baz 65; 7. Barrier 60; 8. Petrucci 46; 9. Mahr 42; 10. Beretta 38. Manufacturers: 1. BMW 200 (2010 champions); 2. Honda 149; 3. Suzuki 87; 4.Yamaha 67; 5. Ducati 59; 6. Kawasaki 49; 7.KTM 30; 8. Aprilia 18
In case you ever wondered how the World Championship bikes arrive at the foreign races, it's in airfreight shipping cases like these that can be lifted with a forklife like a pallet from the transport plane to a truck and into the pits.. This BMW case for Troy Corser's superbike even has removeable skids with caster wheels inside. Photo instruction sheets on the floor show the team mechanics how to pack the case for transport. That's German engineering.
Tommy Hill (33) leading Josh Brookes (4).
British Superbike Championship, Caldwell Park Round 9 of 12
Hill conquers Cadwell Park race one
British Superbike Championship Caldwell Park, August 30th - Tommy Hill gave Worx Crescent Suzuki team their first victory at Cadwell Park since 2004 in the opening race of the day after fending off the challenges from HM Plant Honda's Josh Brookes.
Hill said: "It is nice to be back on the top step again; it has been a long time since Thruxton but that is what we needed and three podium credits is good for me and the team. We regrouped this weekend and worked hard on the settings and it paid off. We have had some ups and downs but now we are back on top and we need to do the same in race two."
Brookes got off to a flying start from the front row with Hill with Michael Laverty third and Michael Rutter in fourth and the Worx Crescent Suzuki rider was hounding his HM Plant Honda rival for the lead. Hill shadowed Brookes and on the eighth lap he made his move into Barn corner, forcing his way down the inside. Brookes then continued to put the pressure on Hill as the pair remained inseparable throughout the race, but Hill just managed to keep the lead in the final stages.
The battle for third changed several times during the race as Michael Laverty held the position over the opening laps; however Ryuichi Kiyonari was on a charge despite running sixth over the opening lap. He closed the gap to Laverty and on the twelfth lap he took the position from his Relentless Suzuki rival. He then set about closing the gap to team-mate Brookes but it was a tough task and he settled for his eleventh podium of the season.
Michael Rutter had initially been in the leading group but he later dropped to fifth place on the Ridersmotorcycles.com Ducati with James Ellison bringing the Swan Honda home in sixth position as team-mate Stuart Easton ended a disappointing twelfth.
Yukio Kagayama fought his way through to seventh on the second of the Worx Crescent Suzukis after getting the better of Alastair Seeley who scored another top eight finish. Seeley moved a step closer to becoming the final Title Fighter as rival John Laverty was involved in a collision with Tommy Bridewell on the final lap and crashed out at Barn. Bridewell completed the lap to finishninth ahead of Dan Linfoot in tenth for Motorpoint Yamaha. UPDATE: Bridewell has been excluded from the result following the incident with John Laverty, which promotes Linfoot to ninth and Easton to tenth.
MCE Insurance British Superbike Championship, Cadwell Park, Race One result:
1 33 Tommy HILL GBR Suzuki - Worx Crescent Suzuki 18 26:25.609 89.09 1:27.438 11
2 4 Josh BROOKES AUS Honda - HM Plant Honda 18 26:30.725 5.116 5.116 88.80 1:27.398 12
3 8 Ryuichi KIYONARI JPN Honda - HM Plant Honda 18 26:32.701 7.092 1.976 88.69 1:27.518 10
4 7 Michael LAVERTY GBR Suzuki - Relentless Suzuki by TAS 18 26:38.131 12.522 5.430 88.39 1:27.835 6
5 6 Michael RUTTER GBR Ducati - RidersMotorcycles.Com 18 26:40.232 14.623 2.101 88.27 1:27.869 5
6 2 James ELLISON GBR Honda - Swan Honda 18 26:46.431 20.822 6.199 87.93 1:28.248 3
7 71 Yukio KAGAYAMA JPN Suzuki - Worx Crescent Suzuki 18 26:53.767 28.158 7.336 87.53 1:28.579 6
8 34 Alastair SEELEY GBR Suzuki - Relentless Suzuki by TAS 18 26:54.142 28.533 0.375 87.51 1:28.940 7
9 99 Dan LINFOOT GBR Yamaha - Motorpoint Yamaha 18 27:00.132 34.523 5.990 87.19 1:28.951 9
10 3 Stuart EASTON GBR Honda - Swan Honda 18 27:00.554 34.945 0.422 87.17 1:28.983 10
11 9 Chris WALKER GBR Honda - Sorrymate.com SMT Honda 18 27:15.509 49.900 14.955 86.37 1:29.765 10
12 11 Adam JENKINSON GBR Kawasaki - Buildbase Kawasaki 18 27:16.541 50.932 1.032 86.31 1:29.874 9
13 19 E Steve BROGAN GBR BMW - Jentin Racing - BMW Motorrad 18 27:17.308 51.699 0.767 86.27 1:29.776 9
14 69 E Gary JOHNSON GBR Suzuki - AIM Suzuki 18 27:20.208 54.599 2.900 86.12 1:30.171 10
15 21 Tom TUNSTALL GBR Honda - Doodson Motorsport 18 27:30.430 1:04.821 10.222 85.59 1:30.407 7
16 35 Chris BURNS GBR Aprilia - Splitlath Motorsport 18 27:35.749 1:10.140 5.319 85.31 1:30.762 7
17 77 E Pauli PEKKANEN FIN Suzuki - 777 RR Motorsport 18 27:37.681 1:12.072 1.932 85.21 1:31.010 7
18 20 E David JOHNSON AUS Suzuki - Becsport / Two Wheel Tuning 18 27:49.453 1:23.844 11.772 84.61 1:31.226 7
19 75 E Craig FITZPATRICK GBR Honda - Close Print Finance 17 26:28.568 1 lap 1 lap 83.98 1:31.761 13
20 64 E Aaron ZANOTTI GBR Suzuki - Red Viper Spike Suzuki 17 26:39.183 1 lap 10.615 83.42 1:32.330 2
21 72 E Michael O'BRIEN GBR Yamaha - Motomob / O'Brien Hifi 17 26:39.866 1 lap 0.683 83.39 1:32.368 4
22 54 Steve HENEGHAN IRL Honda - Quattro Plant Honda 17 26:40.445 1 lap 0.579 83.36 1:32.238 4
DNF 10 John LAVERTY GBR Kawasaki - Buildbase Kawasaki 17 25:25.391 1 lap 87.46 1:28.997 6
DNF 60 Peter HICKMAN GBR Yamaha - Ultimate Racing 16 24:00.662 2 laps 1 lap 87.16 1:29.191 5
DNF 88 E James EDMEADES GBR KTM - Redline KTM 15 23:23.768 3 laps 1 lap 83.86 1:31.992 15
DNF 17 Simon ANDREWS GBR Kawasaki - MSS Colchester Kawasaki 13 19:14.987 5 laps 2 laps 88.33 1:28.032 13
DNF 56 Hudson KENNAUGH RSA Aprilia - Splitlath Motorsport 5 7:50.069 13 laps 8 laps 83.47 1:31.362 4
DNF 101 Gary MASON GBR Kawasaki - MSS Colchester Kawasaki 2 3:07.279 16 laps 3 laps 83.81 1:29.931 2
DQ 46 Tommy BRIDEWELL GBR Honda - Quay Garage Tyco Racing 0
4 Josh BROOKES AUS Honda - HM Plant Honda 12 1:27.398 89.79 mph 144.51 kph
19 E Steve BROGAN GBR BMW - Jentin Racing - BMW Motorrad 9 1:29.776 87.41 mph 140.68 kph
Brookes wins war of the Wolds HM Plant Honda's Josh Brookes fought his way to victory in the second MCE Insurance British Superbike Championship race of the day at Cadwell Park, to get the better of Worx Crescent Suzuki's Tommy Hill as the Title Fighters now brace themselves for the Showdown.
Brookes took the hole shot off the line to lead the pack on the opening lap but Hill was down the inside of the HM Plant Honda at Park to take the advantage, the move sent Brookes wide and Kiyonari then went for the gap to move second. The HM Plant Honda riders were tagged on the back wheel of Hill and the trio were then waiting to attack.
Brookes waited until the ninth lap to get the better of team-mate Kiyonari by getting the run into Hall Bends after getting a spectacular launch off the Mountain, to pass on the outside in sensational style. He then took the lead three laps later by repeating the move on Hill to take the lead. The race was then red flagged with four laps remaining when James Edmeades crashed heavily at Mansfield.
Brookes said: "For race two we made the bike stiffer at both ends and the balance was good so I knew we had a good shot. I didn't get the perfect start and I was behind Kiyo and Tommy, but our pace was much faster than race one and I put a pass on both of them through the Hall Bends section and I knew Tommy would try and have a go back but I thought we had the pace to hold him off and then the red flag came out. It feels good to win again as that was always the goal and now we focus on the Showdown."
Michael Laverty maintained his fourth place on the Relentless Suzuki as he edged clear of Michael Rutter in fourth on the Ridersmotorcycles.com Ducati, who put himself ahead of James Ellison on the twelfth lap. Yukio Kagayama moved to seventh on the second of the Worx Crescent Suzukis whilst Tommy Bridewell made amends for his race one disqualification in eighth. Relentless Suzuki's Alastair Seeley secured his position as the final Title Fighter in the Showdown in ninth with Gary Mason rounding out the top ten.
MCE Insurance British Superbike Championship, Cadwell Park, race two result:
1 4 Josh BROOKES AUS Honda - HM Plant Honda 13 19:00.530 89.45 1:26.960 10
2 33 Tommy HILL GBR Suzuki - Worx Crescent Suzuki 13 19:00.760 0.230 0.230 89.43 1:26.970 4
3 8 Ryuichi KIYONARI JPN Honda - HM Plant Honda 13 19:01.418 0.888 0.658 89.38 1:26.848 4
4 7 Michael LAVERTY GBR Suzuki - Relentless Suzuki by TAS 13 19:05.601 5.071 4.183 89.05 1:27.127 5
5 6 Michael RUTTER GBR Ducati - RidersMotorcycles.Com 13 19:12.249 11.719 6.648 88.54 1:27.890 3
6 2 James ELLISON GBR Honda - Swan Honda 13 19:13.708 13.178 1.459 88.43 1:27.848 3
7 71 Yukio KAGAYAMA JPN Suzuki - Worx Crescent Suzuki 13 19:16.242 15.712 2.534 88.23 1:28.251 11
8 46 Tommy BRIDEWELL GBR Honda - Quay Garage Tyco Racing 13 19:21.877 21.347 5.635 87.81 1:28.455 7
9 34 Alastair SEELEY GBR Suzuki - Relentless Suzuki by TAS 13 19:24.817 24.287 2.940 87.58 1:28.991 6
10 101 Gary MASON GBR Kawasaki - MSS Colchester Kawasaki 13 19:27.976 27.446 3.159 87.35 1:28.804 6
11 3 Stuart EASTON GBR Honda - Swan Honda 13 19:28.170 27.640 0.194 87.33 1:29.012 11
12 10 John LAVERTY GBR Kawasaki - Buildbase Kawasaki 13 19:28.593 28.063 0.423 87.30 1:29.015 7
13 99 Dan LINFOOT GBR Yamaha - Motorpoint Yamaha 13 19:29.673 29.143 1.080 87.22 1:28.973 9
14 11 Adam JENKINSON GBR Kawasaki - Buildbase Kawasaki 13 19:31.298 30.768 1.625 87.10 1:29.279 9
15 9 Chris WALKER GBR Honda - Sorrymate.com SMT Honda 13 19:36.139 35.609 4.841 86.74 1:29.145 11
16 60 Peter HICKMAN GBR Yamaha - Ultimate Racing 13 19:39.990 39.460 3.851 86.46 1:29.385 12
17 19 E Steve BROGAN GBR BMW - Jentin Racing - BMW Motorrad 13 19:41.579 41.049 1.589 86.34 1:29.530 7
18 69 E Gary JOHNSON GBR Suzuki - AIM Suzuki 13 19:41.817 41.287 0.238 86.32 1:29.936 13
19 21 Tom TUNSTALL GBR Honda - Doodson Motorsport 13 19:45.111 44.581 3.294 86.08 1:30.010 11
20 35 Chris BURNS GBR Aprilia - Splitlath Motorsport 13 19:45.516 44.986 0.405 86.05 1:30.056 6
21 77 E Pauli PEKKANEN FIN Suzuki - 777 RR Motorsport 12 18:26.446 1 lap 1 lap 85.11 1:30.653 3
22 20 E David JOHNSON AUS Suzuki - Becsport / Two Wheel Tuning 12 18:36.749 1 lap 10.303 84.33 1:30.864 6
23 64 E Aaron ZANOTTI GBR Suzuki - Red Viper Spike Suzuki 12 18:38.294 1 lap 1.545 84.21 1:31.633 3
24 75 E Craig FITZPATRICK GBR Honda - Close Print Finance 12 18:38.845 1 lap 0.551 84.17 1:31.505 3
25 54 Steve HENEGHAN IRL Honda - Quattro Plant Honda 12 18:43.531 1 lap 4.686 83.82 1:32.170 10
26 72 E Michael O'BRIEN GBR Yamaha - Motomob / O'Brien Hifi 12 18:43.601 1 lap 0.070 83.81 1:32.029 11
DNF 88 E James EDMEADES GBR KTM - Redline KTM 12 18:39.489 84.12 1:32.151 9
DNF 56 Hudson KENNAUGH RSA Aprilia - Splitlath Motorsport 3 4:51.475 10 laps 9 laps 80.77 1:32.044 2
8 Ryuichi KIYONARI JPN Honda - HM Plant Honda 4 1:26.848 90.36 mph 145.42 kph
19 E Steve BROGAN GBR BMW - Jentin Racing - BMW Motorrad 7 1:29.530 87.65 mph 141.07 kph
The next round of the MCE Insurance British Superbike Championship is the first round of the Showdown at Croft on 10/11/12 September. For more information visit www.croftcircuit.co.uk or call 01325 721815.

Kawasaki World Superbike Racing Team Unveils 2011 Ninja ZX-10R Racer
Nurburgring September 2nd 2010 - The all-new Kawasaki Ninja ZX-10R race bike has been unveiled to the international press at the Nürburgring racetrack, in advance of the full launch of the production machine in early October.The new Ninja ZX-10R race bike has been eagerly anticipated by everyone involved in the Superbike racing project for a while now and therefore the Kawasaki Superbike Racing Team are extremely keen to get started with the new Ninja ZX-10R.
Steve Guttridge, the Race Planning Manager from Kawasaki Motors Europe, said of the new bike and the timing of the ‘sneak preview’ of the racebike version of the Ninja ZX-10R, “The new race bike has been eagerly anticipated by everyone involved in the Superbike racing project for a while now. The PBM team have evolved and restructured continuously in order to be in a position to utilise the new bike's potential to the maximum next season. As you can imagine the Paul Bird team are ultra keen to get started with it and so who better than the team itself to help us show the first edition of the race version of it here at the Nürburgring?”
Ichiro Yoda, the Kawasaki Project Director, confirmed that racing is at the heart of the new machine’s DNA. “We have started development this bike with slick tyres and racing spec engine. This is a quite different procedure than previous models.”
No specific details of the all-new production bike were released, which will have to wait until next month. The next chance the world’s media will have to get close to this exciting new machine again will be at official unveiling of the production model, at the Cologne show in early October.

MotoGP World Championship, San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini, Round 13 of 18
Pedrosa Sets the Pace at San Marino MotoGP
GP di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini , September 3-5th 2010 - - Dani Pedrosa took his fourth win of the season in MotoGP today at the Gran Premio Aperol di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini, however there was a black cloud hanging over the whole Misano paddock after the tragic news of the death of Japanese rider Shoya Tomizawa in the preceding Moto2 race.
Tomizawa, 19, and from Chiba in Japan, was riding in third place in the Moto2 event when he crashed and brought down Alex de Angelis and Scott Redding. The CIP Technomag rider was immediately transferred to the nearby Riccione Hospital by ambulance, before succumbing to his injuries at 2.20pm local time.
Pedrosa Sets the Pace at San Marino MotoGP
GP di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini - Friday 3 September - Report Day 1-Dani Pedrosa was the leading light in the first practice at Misano today, as the Repsol Honda rider found an immediate pace that was substantially faster than that of the rest of the MotoGP field. A best effort of 1’34.772 made Pedrosa the only rider under 1’35” in the hour-long session, and saw him just over six-tenths of a second faster than teammate, Andrea Dovizioso.
The Italian was second as he began his preparations for what he hopes will be a home GP to celebrate and, with a best time of 1’35.384, was 0.060s ahead of championship leader Jorge Lorenzo. The Fiat Yamaha rider was just in front of his teammate and race winner at Misano for the past two years, Valentino Rossi, who was the final rider to get within a second of Pedrosa's time.
The grouped teammate theme continued with Monster Yamaha Tech 3 pair Colin Edwards and Ben Spies in fifth and sixth respectively. Edwards was just under three-tenths behind Rossi, whilst Spies trailed his fellow American by just under six-hundredths.
Ducati Team duo Nicky Hayden and Casey Stoner completed the top eight in the session. Hayden had a minor run off at the very end whilst Stoner endured a difficult practice, struggling to find a satisfactory set-up on his Desmosedici GP10 that he hopes will be remedied in tomorrow’s second practice ahead of qualifying. Italians Marco Melandri and Loris Capirossi, who is set to make his 200th premier class start in Sunday’s race, rounded out the top ten.
Pedrosa takes Misano Pole
Report Day 2: Saturday Sept 4th -
Dani Pedrosa’s impressive form continued on Saturday at Misano as the Repsol Honda rider took his fourth pole position of the season for tomorrow’s Gran Premio Aperol di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini. A blistering final lap of the hour-long MotoGP qualifying session saw the Spaniard duck under the 1’34” barrier – the only rider to do so – with a best time of 1’33.948 cementing his place at the top of the timesheet.
After having taken victory just six days ago in Indianapolis, Pedrosa is doing everything he can to claw back Jorge Lorenzo’s 68-point advantage in the championship and a win tomorrow would undoubtedly put a little bit more pressure on his compatriot. With ten minutes of the session remaining Lorenzo had actually taken the lead, but the Fiat Yamaha rider eventually ended up 0.308s off Pedrosa after his rival pushed back in front. Lorenzo maintains his record of having started every race this season from the front row.
Completing the front row was Ducati rider Casey Stoner after the Australian capped off an eventful session with the third quickest time. Stoner had taken the lead 20 minutes into the session but crashed immediately after at turn four, remounting his Desmosedici GP10 following some rapid front-end work from his crew. He improved his time to finish up just under half a second off Pedrosa with a best time of 1’34.397.
Valentino Rossi will head up the second row in his home race after the reigning World Champion set the fourth fastest time of the hour on his Fiat Yamaha M1 machine, whilst Ben Spies will be the highest satellite rider on the grid after placing his Monster Yamaha Tech 3 machine in fifth spot. A commendable effort from the recovering Randy de Puniet saw the LCR Honda rider secure sixth place.
Colin Edwards (Monster Yamaha Tech 3), Andrea Dovizioso (Repsol Honda) and San Carlo Honda Gresini pair Marco Simoncelli and Marco Melandri completed the top ten in the hour. The only crash of the session other than Stoner happened just ten minutes in when rookie Héctor Barberá (Páginas Amarillas Aspar) fell at turn four, and he eventually qualified in 12th on his Ducati.
Pedrosa's Runaway Victory in Rossi's Back Yard
RACE Day 3, Sunday 5th - In the MotoGP race, Pedrosa went on to claim his first back-to-back premier class victories on Sunday, finishing first at Misano ahead of Championship leader and rival Jorge Lorenzo and home favourite Valentino Rossi. Repsol Honda rider Pedrosa set a stunning pace from the start and was almost 1.5s clear of Lorenzo by only the third lap, as he set a lap record early on in the 28-lap contest. Before the action had even begun to unfold however there were two fallers at turn one as Loris Capirossi (Rizla Suzuki) and Nicky Hayden (Ducati Team) came together in Turn 2 off the start and went down together. The American rejoined the race but later had to retire.
With Pedrosa pulling away and Lorenzo riding a relatively lonely race in second position the real battle was for the final podium spot, with Rossi attacking Casey Stoner as he sought a result that would please the home crowd. The pair swapped positions a couple of times before the Italian made a move stick, with Andrea Dovizioso also passing the Australian later on.
Rossi and Dovizioso pulled away as they contended for the honour of highest placing Italian rider, and it was a battle the reigning World Champion eventually won comfortably. Pedrosa by that stage had crossed the finish line in first position and exactly 1.9s clear of Lorenzo, with Rossi just over a second behind his Fiat Yamaha teammate.
"There are no words to say how it feels after this victory - it feels like nothing," declared Pedrosa. "Still with my helmet on in Parc Ferme they told me about Tomizawa and I couldn't react. It was a big shock, a big contrast for me. It's so sad, terrible, and these things should never happen. As a person I can only say he was a very funny boy, always happy and making jokes, and as a rider he earned respect from everybody in a very short time, he was fast and brave. To lose two riders in a week is terrible."
"Concerning the race, I want to say thank you again to my team for doing a great job. The whole weekend has been perfect: good practices, a very high pace during the race, my second win in a row and the fourth of the season."
Following Dovizioso and Stoner in fourth and fifth respectively were Monster Yamaha Tech 3 pair Ben Spies and Colin Edwards, with Álvaro Bautista, Héctor Barberá (Páginas Amarillas Aspar) and Marco Melandri (San Carlo Honda Gresini) completing the top ten. Melandri’s team-mate Marco Simoncelli crashed but rejoined the race to finish 14th, whilst Mika Kallio (Pramac Racing) was forced to retire late on.
Lorenzo’s lead at the top of the standings is now 63 points over Pedrosa, with Rossi moving into fourth overall at nine points behind Dovizioso. "I don't have many words for the race on such a sad day," declared Lorenzo. "I made a good start, but couldn't keep close to Pedrosa. Second is good, we weren't fast enough but for the championship it's another important result and that is our target. As for Shoya, it's a huge pity because he was a good guy and a strong rider. I am so sad and I just want to say how sorry I am for his family and friends. When this happens nothing else matters."
Reigning World Champion, Valentino Rossi, echoed his teammate's sentiments. "This was a great result for us, but when something so sad like this happens everything else goes to zero and the result doesn't matter. I'm so sorry for Shoya because he was a strong rider but above all he was very 'sympatico.' He was very funny, always smiling and he always had nice things to say to everyone. He was also very young, with a great career ahead of him, so we are all very sad."
Results MotoGP: (28 laps = 118.328 km)
Pos / Rider / Nat / Team / Motorcycle / Time/ KM/H / Gap
1 / Dani PEDROSA / SPA / Repsol Honda Team / HONDA / 44'22.059 / 160.019 /
2 / Jorge LORENZO / SPA / Fiat Yamaha Team / YAMAHA / 44'23.959 / 159.905 / 1.9
3 / Valentino ROSSI / ITA / Fiat Yamaha Team / YAMAHA / 44'25.242 / 159.828 / 3.183
4 / Andrea DOVIZIOSO / ITA / Repsol Honda Team / HONDA / 44'28.513 / 159.632 / 6.454
5 / Casey STONER / AUS / Ducati Team / DUCATI / 44'40.538 / 158.916 / 18.479
6 / Ben SPIES / USA / Monster Yamaha Tech 3 / YAMAHA / 44'50.444 / 158.331 / 28.385
7 / Colin EDWARDS / USA / Monster Yamaha Tech 3 / YAMAHA / 44'56.993 / 157.946 / 34.934
8 / Alvaro BAUTISTA / SPA / Rizla Suzuki MotoGP / SUZUKI / 45'00.216 / 157.758 / 38.157
9 / Hector BARBERA / SPA / Paginas Amarillas Aspar / DUCATI / 45'03.002 / 157.595 / 40.943
10 / Marco MELANDRI / ITA / San Carlo Honda Gresini / HONDA / 45'04.436 / 157.511 / 42.377
11 / Aleix ESPARGARO / SPA / Pramac Racing Team / DUCATI / 45'07.965 / 157.306 / 45.906
12 / Hiroshi AOYAMA / JPN / Interwetten Honda MotoGP / HONDA / 45'08.453 / 157.278 / 46.394
13 / Randy DE PUNIET / FRA / LCR Honda MotoGP / HONDA / 45'12.540 / 157.041 / 50.481
14 / Marco SIMONCELLI / ITA / San Carlo Honda Gresini / HONDA / 45'45.202 / 155.172 / 1'23.143
Pole Position: Dani PEDROSA 1'33.948 161.936 Km/h
Fastest Lap (New record): Dani PEDROSA 1'34.340 161.263 Km/h Lap 7
Old Circuit Record Lap: Valentino ROSSI 1'34.746 160.572 Km/h 2009
Circuit Best Lap: Casey STONER 1'33.378 162.924 Km/h 2008
World Championship Positions:
1 LORENZO 271, 2 PEDROSA 208, 3 DOVIZIOSO 139, 4 ROSSI 130, 5 STONER 130,
6 SPIES 120, 7 HAYDEN 109, 8 DE PUNIET 81, 9 MELANDRI 67, 10 EDWARDS 66,
Elias Again in Moto2
Toni Elías won from pole position at Misano on Sunday in the Moto2 Gran Premio Aperol di San Marino e della Riviera di Rimini to extend his Championship lead to 83 points, achieving his sixth victory of the season and his fourth in a row. Julián Simón (Mapfre Aspar) moved into second place in the standings with second position in the race, whilst Thomas Lüthi (Interwetten Moriwaki) made a return to the podium.
Andrea Iannone led from the off but a jump start meant the Fimmco Speed Up rider had to take a Ride Through penalty early on, and that allowed the trio of Jules Cluzel (Forward Racing), Scott Redding (Marc VDS Racing Team) and Shoya Tomizawa (Technomag-CIP) to run at the front.Pole starter Elías was not far off however and after just six laps the Gresini Racing man assumed the lead, with Simone Corsi (JiR Moto2) keeping tabs on him.
Tomizawa’s tragic crash, which also brought down Alex De Angelis (JiR Moto2) and Redding, left a gap in the field that was quickly filled by Simón. As the battle continued at the front Simón went through on Corsi to move into second, whilst wild card Mattia Pasini and Sergio Gadea’s races ended early with crashes. Yuki Takahashi (Tech 3 Racing) was another faller as he pushed hard to maintain fifth position.
As Elías continued to lead comfortably the impressive Lüthi reeled in Corsi and passed him having been over six seconds adrift at one stage, and also having started from 15th on the grid. Iannone’s day was then capped off with a mechanical fault that forced his retirement as he sought a points-scoring finish further back. Xavier Simeon, a replacement for the injured Fonsi Nieto, crashed when flying high in seventh.
Elías crossed 1.969s clear of Simón with Lüthi securing his fifth podium of the campaign in third, and Elías now stands on 211 points in the Championship with Simón moving up to second on 128 and Lüthi remaining in third on 124.
"All I feel is sadness right now and my victory today is irrelevant," declared Elias. "I was talking and joking with Shoya Tomizawa only yesterday in the Clinica Mobile and to think that he is no longer with us is truly awful. He has left an indelible mark on my life."
Corsi took fourth, with Stefan Bradl (Viessmann Kiefer Racing), Cluzel, Gabor Talmacsi (Fimmco Speed Up), Dominique Aegerter (Technomag-CIP), Claudio Corti (Forward Racing) and Roberto Rolfo (Italtrans STR) completing the top ten.
Results Moto2: (26 laps = 109.876 km)
Pos / Rider / Nat / Team / Motorcycle / Time/ KM/H / Gap
1 / Toni ELIAS / SPA / Gresini Racing Moto2 / MORIWAKI / 43'33.996 / 151.321 /
2 / Julian SIMON / SPA / Mapfre Aspar Team / SUTER / 43'35.965 / 151.207 / 1.969
3 / Thomas LUTHI / SWI / Interwetten Moriwaki Moto2 / MORIWAKI / 43'45.913 / 150.634 / 11.917
4 / Simone CORSI / ITA / JIR Moto2 / MOTOBI / 43'49.405 / 150.434 / 15.409
5 / Stefan BRADL / GER / Viessmann Kiefer Racing / SUTER / 43'50.215 / 150.388 / 16.219
6 / Jules CLUZEL / FRA / Forward Racing / SUTER / 43'50.672 / 150.362 / 16.676
7 / Gabor TALMACSI / HUN / Fimmco Speed Up / SPEED UP / 43'50.848 / 150.352 / 16.852
8 / Dominique AEGERTER / SWI / Technomag-CIP / SUTER / 43'52.326 / 150.267 / 18.33
9 / Claudio CORTI / ITA / Forward Racing / SUTER / 43'54.646 / 150.135 / 20.65
10 / Roberto ROLFO / ITA / Italtrans S.T.R. / SUTER / 44'03.674 / 149.622 / 29.678
11 / Yonny HERNANDEZ / COL / Blusens-STX / BQR-MOTO2 / 44'06.716 / 149.45 / 32.72
12 / Ratthapark WILAIROT / THA / Thai Honda PTT Singha SAG / BIMOTA / 44'09.094 / 149.316 / 35.098
13 / Raffaele DE ROSA / ITA / Tech 3 Racing / TECH 3 / 44'09.424 / 149.297 / 35.428
14 / Michael RANSEDER / AUT / Vector Kiefer Racing / SUTER / 44'09.929 / 149.269 / 35.933
15 / Lukas PESEK / CZE / Matteoni CP Racing / MORIWAKI / 44'11.008 / 149.208 / 37.012
Pole Position: Toni ELIAS 1'38.991 153.686 Km/h
Fastest Lap (New record) : Alex DE ANGELIS 1'39.430 153.008 Km/h Lap 8
Circuit Record Lap: New category
Circuit Best Lap: Toni ELIAS 1'38.991 153.686 Km/h 2010
World Championship Positions:
1 ELIAS 211, 2 SIMON 128, 3 LUTHI 124, 4 IANNONE 119, 5 CORSI 97, 6 CLUZEL 84,
7 TOMIZAWA 82, 8 TALMACSI 79, 9 TAKAHASHI 72, 10 GADEA 59, 11 DEBON 46,
12 ROLFO 43, 13 NIETO 41, 14 REDDING 39, 15 BRADL 36.

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Honda's Stattement on the race death of Moto2 rider
Shoya Tomizawa
Honda Motor Co. Ltd and Honda Racing Corporation would like to express their great sadness at the passing away of Shoya Tomizawa following an accident in today’s San Marino Grand Prix.
Tomizawa crashed on the 12th lap of the Moto2 race. The Japanese rider was immediately treated at trackside, then at the circuit medical centre and then at Riccione hospital. Numerous attempts were made to resuscitate him but at 14.20hrs he succumbed to cranial, thoracic and abdominal trauma.
Both Honda Motor Co. Ltd and Honda Racing Corporation would like to extend their deepest condolences to Tomizawa’s family and friends.
Nineteen-year-old Tomizawa, from Chiba, was a very popular rider in the MotoGP paddock, known for his sunny smile and determination on the racetrack. He made his Grand Prix debut at Motegi in the 125 class in 2006. In 2008 he took the runner-up spot in the 250 All-Japan Championship. He became a full-time GP rider last season, taking 17th place in the 250 World Championship. This year he moved into the new Moto2 series and made history by winning the opening round.
“We are very saddened by this news and our thoughts of course are now with Shoya’s family and friends. He was at the start of his Grand Prix career and today we have lost fine young rider and a talent for the future. Shoya had fighting spirit, we will all miss him very much…” - Shuhei Nakamoto, Vice-President, Honda Racing Corporation
Yamaha Sterilgarda Team rider Cal Crutchlow to join Monster Energy Tech 3 Team in MotoGP for 2011
Sept 5th - Yamaha Sterilgarda World Superbike Team rider Cal Crutchlow will move up to join the Monster Energy Tech 3 Team at the end of the 2010 World Superbike season to fight in the MotoGP Championship in 2011.
Cal will fill the vacancy left by American Ben Spies in his move to the factory Fiat Yamaha team for 2011.
Crutchlow rejoined the Yamaha family in 2009, successfully taking the World Supersport Championship on the R6 before joining the World Superbike team in 2010. The 24yr old British rider has fought competitively over the season for podiums and race wins, taking a double victory at Silverstone for his home race.
Following in the footsteps of reigning 2009 World Superbike Champion Ben Spies, Crutchlow is another rider nurtured through the Yamaha family, progressing to the pinnacle of motorcycle racing through the various race classes and benefiting from the Japanese manufacturer’s policy of developing and supporting racing talent.
“Being part of the Yamaha Sterilgarda World Superbike Team has been fantastic,” said Cal Crutchlow. “When I first signed with Yamaha for the 2009 World Supersport Championship we went on to win the World Championship and the natural progression was to move to World Superbike. It was an honour to be asked to be part of the team and to remain as part of the Yamaha family. Now I’m again taking another step and I am being brought through to the Tech3 Team as they have done with other riders such as Ben Spies in the past. I first rode for Yamaha in 2003 in the R6 Cup so have a great history with them. Moving to MotoGP is a great opportunity for me, it was an honour to be asked by Herve Poncheral and for Yamaha to back me. I intend to do the best job I can with the team next year, be humble, learn and enjoy the experience.”
“I’m delighted we had the opportunity to work with Cal to take the World Supersport title last year and compete this year in World Superbike,” said Laurens Klein Koerkamp, Yamaha Motor Europe Racing Manager. “On one side we would have liked to go for the World Superbike title in 2011 but given the opportunities at this moment for Yamaha and Cal it is a great move. Again we are showing that our policy of bringing young riders up through the various racing classes to the top tier in MotoGP is proving successful. Cal deserves this opportunity, he is a highly professional racer and completely dedicated to training for success. We believe he has what it takes to fight for success at the highest levels.”

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Rea Posts 1-2 Finishes at the Ring for Ten Kate
Jonathan Rea enjoyed a race win, a second place finish and set a new lap record in today’s two 11th round World Superbike championship races at Nurburgring in Germany. The other race was won by Japan’s Noriyuki Haga.
Starting from the inside of the front row of the grid, Rea was first into the Nuburgring’s tight first corner in race one and, although pressed hard in the early stages by Haga and Spanish rider, Carlos Checa, the 23-year-old from Northern Ireland was never headed.
Race two was not quite so straightforward for Rea, who was fourth on the opening lap before passing series leader Max Biaggi and eventually finishing second to the hard-charging Haga after Checa crashed out on lap 10.
However, the Hannspree Ten Kate Honda rider took the fastest lap in race two to go with the new Nurburgring lap record he had established in the first outing – itself almost a second inside the record he established in the process of winning race two last year.
Rea has now finished in first or second place in the last six World Superbike championship races and heads into the last two rounds of the series boosted by the fact that Imola and Magny-Cours are two of his favourite circuits.
His Hannspree Ten Kate Honda team-mate, Max Neukirchner, did not enjoy such a fruitful day at his home race. The 27-year-old German was in confident mood following some promising runs during practice and qualifying. However, he found his race set up working differently than expected with his Pirelli tyres and after crashing out of race one, Neukirchner could only manage a fifteenth place finish in the second.
Jonathan Rea – 1st, 2nd
We were really behind the 8-ball on Friday but did a lot of work that night and came back yesterday with a bike we could challenge with. We managed to turn that into a win in the first race today by makin g a break at the front and controlling the race, so all credit has to go to the crew for turning things around. Nori was really fast in the second race so I’m really happy with a one-two and really think that was probably the maximum points I could get today. It was a lap of two halves really and I while I was weak in the first two splits the last two were really strong. Although I could gain a little bit there, I’d just got dropped a little bit at the start and I lost my rhythm a bit when Checa went down. But I’m really happy – I’m enjoying riding the bike and it’s fun to turn up to a racetrack and just ride the CBR. If you’d offered me a one-two on Friday I would have snapped your hand off.
Max Neukirchner – DNF, 15th
You can imagine I am not very happy. It’s very strange because yesterday I did really well and went faster much more easily – like one and a half s econds faster! Today it just wasn’t possible to get into the corner and turn the bike without the tyre spinning completely. The team has looked at it on the data and they confirm that there was double the amount from yesterday. We changed nothing – just put in new tyres and went. Yesterday afternoon the bike felt perfect and today it was a completely different bike, 5kph slower and almost impossible to ride. It makes me feel like an idiot, especially at my home race and in front of a lot of my fans. It’s a big shame for them. The set up we have now is not bad for me – not perfect, but not bad. It’s just that with the tyres changing, it’s not possible to go in the top ten.
Ronald ten Kate – team manager
Max’s race results have been quite disappointing after some promising runs he had during the qualifying sessions, so we’ll all try to keep his chin up and see if the last two rounds can bring something half decent. On the positive side we’re seeing a very good, consistent run from Jonathan at the moment – from the last six races he has had only firsts and seconds. The double wasn’t possible this weekend but with results like today we can only be happy and very satisfied. We go now to two of his favourite tracks so we’re looking forward to that. The aim is no longer to protect third in the championship but to attack for second place, which is still very much possible.
Nori Haga Runs Rings around the Competion in Superbike Race 2
The Nürburgring (Germany), Sunday 4th September: Ducati Xerox factory rider Noriyuki Haga returned to winning ways today, with a stunning victory in Race 2 at the Nurburgring. Team-mate Michel Fabrizio was not so fortunate, forced to retire from both races.
The factory pair had made a determined start to race day, closing the early morning warm-up in second (Fabrizio) and third (Haga) position.
The start of Race 1 did not go to plan however when Leon Haslam and Troy Corser fell at the first corner, causing a red flag and a restart of the race half an hour later, with riders reverting to their original grid positions. Noriyuki got away well, moving up to third place through the first corner. Quickly passing Carlos Checa on the privateer Ducati, the Japanese rider held second position until the end of the seventh lap when he unexpectedly lost the front of his machine. Unhurt, he hoped to be able to return to the track and returned to the box to fix a damaged handlebar but unfortunately damaged mufflers meant that it was too dangerous to continue and the team decided to retire.
Haga’s team-mate Fabrizio was no luckier in the first race. Having lost a couple of positions at the start, he quickly made these back up, to find himself seventh after two laps. Unfortunately, however, during lap four, Michel too came off, losing the front; he managed to get back on the bike and was beginning to make up ground until throttle damage caused during the crash made it impossible to continue and forced the Italian rider to return to the garage.
Later in the afternoon and on a slightly warmer track, Race 2 got under way without interruptions. Haga again got off the line like a missile, projecting himself to second position at the first corner. He soon got past Carlos Checa to take the lead and, after Checa’s unlucky crash a few laps later, the Japanese rider was able to gradually increase the gap between himself and Jonathan Rea (Honda), eventually crossing the line with more than three seconds of advantage to take the 43rd Superbike win of his career. Michel, caught up in traffic, lost ground and was in eleventh position at the end of the opening lap. Mid-race he began to suffer from vibration and lack of grip, a problem which led him to return to the garage for a rear tyre-change; in doing this the Italian rider lost valuable time and was unable to reach the points zone, closing in nineteenth position.
With this win, Noriyuki celebrates the 110th podium of his career, moving ahead of Carl Fogarty (109) in the all time standings. Only Troy Corser has seen more success with 129 podiums scored to date. Noriyuki is now sixth in the championship standings with 202 points, Michel tenth with 160. Ducati, having earned 45 points today thanks to Noriyuki’s and Carlos Checa’s results, is third in the manufacturers standings.
Noriyuki Haga (Race 1 – DNF, Race 2 - winner)
“First of all I want to say how happy I am to be back up here. After the Race 1 crash I went straight back to the garage in the hope that my technicians could adjust the bike so that I could continue but unfortunately there was too much damage to the mufflers and I had to stop there. We made some modifications to the front suspension and the bike behaved a lot better in Race 2. I maintained a strong pace for the entire race and was able to get the job done! I’m sorry for Carlos because it’s always great to battle against him. Now I’d like to repeat this great result at Imola, Ducati’s home track.”
Michel Fabrizio (Race 1 – DNF, Race 2 – 19th)
“A black day. In Race 1 I got straight back on the bike thinking that I could carry on and finish in the points zone. Then I realized that there was a problem with the throttle and, as I couldn’t open or close the gas properly, I had to return to the garage. It’s a pity because I was making up some ground before the crash and had good pace. Race 2 didn’t go any better – I had to come in to change the rear tyre but in doing that I lost too much ground and there wasn’t anything I could do.”
Leon Halsem defies pain to take Alstaie Suzuki to the podium and keep their Championship hopes alive
Team Suzuki Alstare rider Leon Haslam defied the pain barrier in today’s second Superbike World Championship race at the Nurburgring, taking a superb podium despite a dislocated right thumb and damaged knee ligaments. Leon had crashed at the start of race one, when he was highsided and it was fortunate that the race was red-flagged and he and the other fallers were able to make the restart. His bike was too badly damaged to take part in the restart, so he was forced to use his spare bike - one that he had only used for a handful of laps in practice and qualifying. The set-up and feel of the bike were different to that of his number one bike, but he rode superbly to take a very creditable sixth place.
That was impressive enough, but in race two he surprised everybody with his grit, determination and fighting spirit, to take third place at the end of what would have been (for him) a very tough 20-lapper. His reward was a reduction in the gap between him and series leader Max Biaggi (Aprilia) to 58 points, with two rounds and 100 points still up for grabs.
It was a bit of a disappointing day for Leon’s team mate Sylvain Guintoli who had qualified on the front row of the grid for the first time this season. The Frenchman was taken out by Troy Corser on the opening lap of race one and was forced into the gravel. He rejoined the action second last, but then fought his way up through the field to take a highly deserved 8th place.
In race two, he was unable to capitalise on his front row grid slot and found himself in 8th at the end of the first lap. Once again he powered his way through the pack and slotted in behind Biaggi in 5th. He tried everything he could to get past Biaggi, but his Suzuki’s acceleration was no match for the Aprilia and ended just over two tenths of a second adrift at the flag.
Race one had started with a battle between Jonathan Rea (Honda), with Carlos Checa (Ducati) and Noriyuki Haga (Ducati). But after Haga crashed out on lap 8, Rea was able to control the race and comfortably run out the winner. Checa was second, with Cal Crutchlow (Yamaha) third. In the second race, Haga redeemed himself by taking the win, over three seconds ahead of Rea, with Leon third.
Leon - Race 1: 6th, Race 2: 3rd
My crash in race one was a highside and I am sorry that it caused Troy to crash also. Luckily the race was stopped and everybody was able to have another go. I had hurt my right thumb and left knee and they were very sore, but I was determined to get out there and give my all. Once the race started, the adrenaline kicked in and I think I would’ve been much faster and more competitive if it had not been for the fact that I was on my number two bike. The mechanics weren’t able to repair my number one bike in time for the restart. I had only done a few laps on the spare bike and so the set-up wasn’t as good and it was that which prevented me challenging the front guys, not my injuries.
The team repaired my number one bike in time for race two and I felt much happier. They and the Clinica Mobile staff did great jobs and it was thanks to both of them that I was able to get on the bike and take a podium. I’m sure I’m going to be pretty sore tonight and although I would’ve wanted a couple of wins today, I was happy to get on the podium and with 100 points possible in the next two rounds, anything can happen.
Sylvain - Race 1: 8th, Race 2: 6th -Well I’m happy and not happy. I’m happy that I got on the front row in qualifying and that my race pace was good. If Troy had not have forced me out on lap one of the first race, the ending might’ve been a different story. Once I got back on the track, I felt I was lapping as fast as anybody really and I suppose 8th was a pretty good result, considering. I was angry with Troy because I honestly felt I could get on the podium.
We changed the rear tyre for race 2, but I didn’t make a good start and that gave me a lot of work to do early on. It took me about half race distance to get close enough to Max (Biaggi) and I then spent the rest of the race trying to pass him. I could match him on the brakes and in the turns OK, but his bike had much better acceleration out of the corners and that’s where I was losing out. I attacked as best I could, but he’s a very experienced rider and didn’t make any mistakes. It was a big pity, because if I could’ve passed him, that would’ve helped Leon and I wanted to do it for him and the team.
Difficult Weekend for BMW at their Home track
The 11th round of the 2010 FIM Superbike World Championship at the Nürburgring (GER) was the home event for Team BMW Motorrad Motorsport and today's second race marked the 50th race for the young team in the
series. But today lady luck was not on the team's side.
In the first race both riders had a good start and gained lots of positions, but unfortunately during the first lap Troy Corser (AUS) was the innocent victim of a crash and fell. The race was red flagged. Troy was able to take the second start, but had to withdraw after six laps due to a painful arm as a result of the crash. The injury also hindered him in the second race and he came in 12th . Ruben Xaus (ESP) put in a convincing performance with consistent lap times and finished seventh and ninth. In the championship standings, Troy is 11th with 159
points, while Ruben improved to 13th with 85 points. In the manufacturers' standings, BMW is sixth (190 points).
In the FIM Superstock 1000 Cup the new champion Ayrton Badovini from Team BMW Motorrad Italia STK continued his winning streak. The Italian celebrated his eighth victory in the eighth race of the season. He had already secured an early title victory in the series five weeks ago at Silverstone.
Ruben Xaus:
Bike: BMW S 1000 RR
Result Race 1: 7th , Gap to 1st: 00:19.613 min / Fastest Lap Race 1: 1:56.448 min
Result Race 2: 9th , Gap to 1st: 00:21.040 min / Fastest Lap Race 2: 1:56.178 min
"It has been a really tough day for us. In both races I fought really hard. In race one with Leon Haslam and race
two with James Toseland. I was pushing on every lap, but unfortunately I was having some issues on the first
section of the lap. I just couldn't keep them behind me. But the team have done a great job yet again for me this weekend. All we need to do now is work on a few minor things with the bike, just to find that half second, and
then I think we can really challenge the front guys. I am hopeful we can do this for the next race in Imola."
Troy Corser:
Bike: BMW S 1000 RR
Result Race 1: DNF
Result Race 2: 12th , Gap to 1st : 00:22.746 min / Fastest Lap Race 1: 1:56.143 min
"Well I guess you can say that an awful lot happened this weekend, especially yesterday and today! The crash in the first race was Haslam’s fault because he highsided right in front of me and I had nowhere to go. I suppose we were lucky that the race was red-flagged and those of us who had fallen got another chance.
I had given my right elbow a pretty hard bang and it felt sore and uncomfortable when I changed into a different set of leathers for the restart. On the first lap, I got in the turn one too hot because I couldn’t feel how hard I was braking! I ran wide and unfortunately took Sylvain with me (sorry Sylvain!). We both went off the track and rejoined the race, but we were right at the back of the field. I carried on for a while, but didn’t have much feeling in my fingers, which made it difficult to know how hard I was braking! After I missed a few braking points, I decided to pull out because I didn’t want to crash and didn’t want to hit anybody.
I had some treatment and ice on my elbow, but only decided to take part in the second race five minutes before the start. The team stretched the suit a bit, so my right arm was more comfortable and everything was pretty much OK up to about half race distance. I had a good dice with my team mate Ruben (Xaus) for a while but then I began to feel more and more sore, so I rode steadily, tried to keep out of trouble and bring the bike home so that I could give as much info as possible to the team.z
It was a big shame about my elbow, because I really believed that I could’ve finished well in the top six in both races today despite my grid position.
Certainly, I felt much better in race two than race one, but at this level you have to be 100% all the time to compete with the top guys and today I just wasn’t able to do that. I see no reason though, why I should not be fit enough for the next round in Imola in three weeks time and there I really want to be able to fight for a podium again."
Berthold Hauser (BMW Motorrad Motorsport Director):
"Our home event started very well, but the final outcome is not what we expected. We were on top untilSaturday before the Superpole started, but then we were followed by bad luck. Troy had a brilliant start in the
first race today and moved up to ninth, but then was hit from behind. He was hurt in that crash and that alsohindered him in the second race. Hats off to Troy for riding despite the pain. I am really happy for Ruben: he put
in a superb performance achieving the best possible results. We had the potential for more this weekend, butnow we are determined to show that in the next races."

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Cal Crutchlow moves to
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Yamaha Sterilgarda World Superbike Team confirms Marco Melandri for 2011
Sept 9th - The Yamaha Sterilgarda World Superbike Team has signed an agreement with Italian MotoGP rider Marco Melandri to join the World Superbike Championship for the 2011 race season. 28yr old Melandri will replace current Yamaha Superbike rider Cal Crutchlow who stays within the Yamaha family, moving to MotoGP to replace Ben Spies on The Monster Yamaha Tech 3 M1 bike.
Melandri is a former 250cc GP World Champion and has finished as highly as 2nd in the MotoGP Championship with five MotoGP race victories to date in his career and a further 10 250ccGP victories.
“I’m very happy with this new challenge, it’s a big change and I want to fight for world superbike wins,” said Marco Melandri. “It’s nice to be back with Yamaha; I know many people there; I was very young when I rode with them before, now I’m much more mature. As the reigning 2009 champions The Yamaha Sterilgarda Team have proved to have a very competitive package and are one of the top teams in World Superbike. I realise Superbike is not easy and I know I have to work hard. I’m looking forward to feeling the adrenalin again and fighting for the championship.”
“Marco is a great signing for the World Superbike Team. He has massive experience at the pinnacle of motorcycle racing and is extremely motivated to have the opportunity to challenge for race wins again. Whilst it is sad to see Cal leave us to move on up in the Yamaha family we are excited to have a serious title contender such as Marco joining us.” Said Yamaha Motor Europe Racing Manager Laurens Klein Koerkamp
Yamaha signs Eugene Laverty to complete 2011 World Superbike Team
Sept 10th - Yamaha has signed a contract with current World Supersport title contender Eugene Laverty to join the Yamaha Sterilgarda World Superbike Team on the YZF-R1 alongside MotoGP rider Marco Melandri for the 2011 season. 24 yr old Laverty from Northern Ireland is a proven racer, having come second to Yamaha’s reigning World Supersport Champion Cal Crutchlow in the 2009 championship with four race wins. He is currently just 12 points behind the lead in the current standings with two further rounds to go having taken seven race wins and five pole position starts so far this season.
Laverty is no stranger to Yamaha, taking time out from the 250cc MotoGP Championship to enjoy two wild card World Supersport rides in 2008 in place of injured rider Fabien Foret. The young rider adapted quickly, scoring an impressive podium finish with third in his second outing at Vallelunga.
“It’s great to have a contract signed at this stage while still fighting for the title in the Supersport class. I desperately want to win this year before moving on,” said Eugene Laverty. “When I rode the Yamaha YZF-R6 in World Supersport in 2008 I was having a tough time in 250s, it’s nice that Yamaha brought me to the fore and are now giving me the opportunity within superbike. Ben Spies winning the championship in 2009 and Cal Crutchlow now stepping up and winning races shows the bike and team are more than capable so the rest is up to me. I think with the team support and a good testing schedule we can start the 2011 championship ready to be competitive from the first race and be on the podium as early as possible. Having a teammate like Marco Melandri is great, he has a wealth of experience to learn from so I’m going to enjoy riding with him.”
“We’ve been very impressed with Eugene in the World Supersport Championship,” said Yamaha Motor Europe Racing Manager Laurens Klein Koerkamp. “He is a very talented racer who has shown great dedication to training, is focussed on victory and we know he’s a great person to work with. We have proved with Cal Crutchlow that we have the facility to bring young riders through from World Supersport, continue to nurture and develop them in World Superbike and provide them with further opportunities in MotoGP if the situation is right. We look forward to working with Eugene and believe he has the talent to continue through with Yamaha into the future.”

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Casey Stoner and Nicky Hayden endured a difficult race at Misano today, the Australian again struggling with front-end problems and the American crashing out at the second corner after making contact with Loris Capirossi.
Their disappointment at the race was nothing, however, compared to their sadness and that of the whole paddock at the news that Shoya Tomizawa had passed away following an incident in the Moto2 race.
CASEY STONER (Ducati Marlboro Team) 5th
“I am very, very disappointed with our performance today considering the feeling we found yesterday after a few modifications. The feeling today was completely different from warm-up this morning. I tried to stay with Jorge in the race but I started to make mistakes because the front kept closing. It became a challenge just to make it to the end of the race and hold my position. This is not important today though considering what has happened. I am deeply saddened for Tomizawa, his family and everybody who worked with him. It is something truly terrible and it left me breathless, like a week ago. It was a pleasure to watch him ride and I was looking forward to see him have a great career."
NICKY HAYDEN – (Ducati Marlboro Team) DNF
“This hasn't been a great track for me over the last couple of years. I got quite a good start and made up some positions but on the exit of turn two when I got on the gas and opened up for the next turn I touched with Loris, who was closing his line a little. I'm sorry but it was a racing incident that can happen at any time and when you start so far back you tend to cross lines. The shifter was damaged and I had to come back in. All this is irrelevant though compared with what happened to Tomizawa. I am really sad, we have lost two riders in two weekends. My thoughts are with his family and his team but I think the whole paddock has been hit hard by this tragedy. At the end of the day we are all brothers here. We have lost a talented kid with a great personality. I loved his style, his determination and the smile he always wore.”
AMA Pro Racing and Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca Announce 2011 Event Date
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (September 9, 2010) - AMA Pro Racing and Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca are pleased to announce that AMA Pro Road Racing will return with MotoGP to the historic 2.258-mile circuit on California's Monterey peninsula as part of the 2011 Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix. The seventh running of the event will tentatively be held on July 22 - 24, 2011, with final confirmation coming with the release of the official FIM calendar later this month.
"We're all excited about returning to the world stage and to one of our favorite venues," said AMA Pro Chief Operating Officer and Managing Member, David Atlas. "Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca is a favorite amongst our riders and we know that they will put on a tremendous show for the fans."
"The best riders in the world and the U.S. will once again be together to treat our fans to incredible on-track action," said Gill Campbell, CEO/general manager for Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca.
The 2011 Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix will host three classes of AMA Pro Road Racing: AMA Pro SuperSport, AMA Pro Daytona SportBike presented by AMSOIL and AMA Pro National Guard SuperBike in addition to the MotoGP World Championship. The date for the event is tentative, subject to the release of the full FIM calendar in September.
All general admission tickets, paddock passes, grandstand seats, parking and general camping for the Red Bull U.S. Grand Prix will go sale November 2, 2010 by phone at (800) 327-7322 or on-line at www.mazdaraceway.com.